Borderlands Game Hacks

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When you farm, you loot an area, then save and quit. This is not an exploit, cheat, or hack.

Farming is the process by which you collect guns from the chests and areas known to have them, then exit the game and reload. When you enter the game nearly all of the crates and areas are restocked. Vending machines also cycle products. Despite what some idiots call this on youtube videos, this is NOT and exploit nor is it a glitch. This is by design. The process of repeatedly collecting items, exiting and reloading your saved game is farming, and it is a legitimate part of the gaming experience in Borderlands.

New Haven has five Chests in the town area and two of them are red. Red chests have a higher probability of containing quality items. However, after an update (game patch) is applied to Borderlands, the two red chests become white chests. The game developers did this because too many people were farming New Haven and getting all their loot easily in that place. New Haven also has a sixth chest outside of town which almost always contains crap items. There is a second red vending machine in New Haven that is sometimes available across the street from the usual one.

Crimson Fastness is a good area to from, it has up to seven chests. There are seven locations which may or may not have a chest depending on the game random engine.

The easiest farming technique is to start by farming New Haven, then teleport to Rust Commons West and farm saving the dev chest for last. Jump off the cliff to the landing with the dev chest (see below) and collect those items last, then save and exit.

See Also...

Glitch Exploits

Grenade jumps

- Works Great!

The easiest way to do a grenade jump is to first equip a longbow grenade. The longbow has a very short fuse once it hits the ground and doesn't bounce when it hits the ground. Simply throw the grenade onto the ground, wait about a second and then jump. With proper timing you can get to areas you couldn't normally get to and this can even be used for a few minor sequence breaks. A notable example being the first claptrap in the game. Grenade jump over the towns border wall and simply never repair him for the entire game if you wish. There are minor time savers all over the place if you keep an eye open.

Drive a Runner Inside Fyrestone

- Works Great!

The Outrunner (or Runner for short) can be made to go over a wall and into the Fyrestone town area. According to Borderlands Wikia, "Thanks to a texture glitch, it's possible to drive a runner inside Fyrestone. This provides a marginal shortcut for completing some missions and reporting quickly to Fyrestone's bounty board by teleporting to the runner from any of Scooter's stations in Arid Badlands. By using the same glitch again at the gate towards the bus stop, it's possible to get a car there." This glitch works and is easy to reproduce. Pictures will be posed here soon.

Sledge Shotgun launch

- Works Poorly

This glitch allows two players to get to many, many places the developers never intended the player to reach. You can scale the highest buildings, get past the games programmed kill zones and fall beneath maps, and even better it allows you to quickly loot the Crimson Armory in DLC3 without the need to save and exit between each run. It's a very simple trick to do as well. You will obviously need Sledges Shotgun for this trick equipped on one player. To do the trick it helps to have both players around the same level as you need to be able to withstand a shot from the other player without instantly dying. Enter a duel and have the player equipped with the shotgun crouch down and aim in the direction you would like to launch the other player. The other player should try to jump into the cross hairs of the player with the shotgun at which point the player with the shotgun fires. If the player doing the shooting manages to get a clean shot with the majority of the rounds you can expect to see a launch distance a hundred or so feet.

Bypass shields with all guns on any character

- Untested

There is a gun called Vengeance manufactured by Vladof. This gun is a tad buggy in a totally fantastic way. The gun is supposed to grant a chance to bypass shields but for some reason it doesn't unless it was in an equip slot when you loaded your character at which point it mistakenly grants this ability to every gun you are equipped with.

Increase Brick's Movement Speed

- Works Somewhat

This seems to occur when, as Brick, you enter Berserk but something cuts it off as you're going through the starting animation. I do this by simply entering my inventory right after activating Berserk, but I've read that most people do this (some accidentally) by dieing. Afterward, your regular walking speed will be slightly faster than the ordinary sprinting speed, and your sprinting speed will be close to Phasewalk speed. This will last as long as you don't enter Berserk again. However, if playing co-op, only the host player can do this.

Move without Scope Shaking

- Untested

Scoping and double taping crouch allows you to move when not crouched and scoped without the scope shaking (what happens if you stay still and crouch) - when coupled with aim assist; more or less effortless

The Middle Of Nowhere Easy experience and weapon proficiency

- Untested

Once you reach "The Middle Of Nowhere" area, you will eventually get the "Circle Of Slaughter" quest. When do you do the quest, enter the arena, and kill all but one enemy (preferably a little one). Do not kill all enemies or the quest will end. Also, do not die or you will potentially lose a lot of money. After killing all but one enemy and collecting all items desired, exit out, and the game will save automatically. Reload your saved game, sell all desired items through one of the nearby machines, and repeat the quest as many times as desired. Note: There are three rounds; the last one is called" Final Round". Do not finish it if you want to repeat this trick.

Rider gun in New Haven

- Untested

This is an "Easter Egg" rather than a hack. It works well and is easy to reproduce. However, the "prize" is disappointing. When you get the "Another Piece Of The Puzzle" quest (do not complete), you can go to a secret house in New Haven. When you enter the house, you take a lift down to the bottom. There is one regular weapon chest and a red weapon chest. The red weapon chest always contains the "Rider" gun. Its stats usually vary slightly each time you get one. The weapon can only be found in this house. The weapon's manufacturer is "Gearbox" (the game's developer), as opposed to an in-game company such as Dahl, Hyperion, etc. When this location is used with the regular farming of New Haven you can get a lot of loot and money quickly. Exit and reload the game to farm the crate many times. The Red Rider will appear in slightly different configurations and power. The gun is not very impressive in "green" or "blue" configurations.

Dev Chest in Rust Commons West

- Works Good

Go to the far northwest corner (on the map) in Rust Commons West. Find the rock wall with the gun tower on top of it. Stand near the left side of the gun tower. Then, crouch and stay against the rock wall as you move down the rocks. The warning sign may appear. Ignore it, and try to move as quickly as possible. The chest is basically in front of the gun tower, under a large rock overhang. The weapons chest has a high chance of spawning rare weapons. Exit the game or have a split screen partner teleport otherwise there is no way off the cliff without dieing.

Quick Reload

- Doesn't Work Well

While reloading, click Right Analog-stick to melee as soon as the cartridge is removed or new rounds are being inserted, and the gun will reload instantly.

Note: This was tested on PS3. When using melee after pressing reload, the gun doesn't get reloaded, unless melee is used when the reload process is nearly finished. This was tested on a machine gun that reloaded very slowly. The melee trick did not work when used immediately after pressing reload. Press reload, wait until the new ammo mag is nearly inserted, then melee. The net gain is not significant therefore this hack sucks.

Invincibility Jump

- Works Somewhat

At any time in the game whenever you face an enemy that can jump or leap to attack you just jump when they jump and you won't take any damage.

Legendary weapons

Atlas weapons

  • BLR Wicked Troll: Pistol; regenerates health
  • AX Savage Chimera: Revolver; fires random elements, 3x Fire/Corrosive/Explosive/Shock element
  • SG1100 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread
  • SG340 Genocide Hydra: Shotgun; high damage and special spread
  • CVL25 Fearsome Cyclops: Sniper rifle; high damage and explosive attack, 3x Explosive element

Dahl weapons

  • RF5D Wicked Hornet: Pistol; 2 shot corrosive burst, 2x Corrosive element
  • AX220 U Savage Anaconda: Revolver; very high damage and accuracy
  • BA 100 War Bulldog: Shotgun; large magazine and fast reload
  • CR38 Scoped Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst
  • CR780 U Genocide Raven: Assault rifle; large magazine and five shot burst, 2x Shock element
  • TEK540D Malevolent Wildcat: Assault rifle; large magazine
  • LBD Fearsome Penetrator: Sniper rifle; large magazine and high fire rate, 2x Fire element

Hyperion weapons

  • RF5.W Wicked Invader: Pistol; large scope with continued burst while zoomed
  • TMP2 Vile Reaper: Pistol; massive melee and steals life
  • BA 630.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst
  • ZX330.W Fatal Butcher: Shotgun; Five shot burst
  • AR300.W Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed
  • CR320 Genocide Destroyer: Assault rifle; Continuous burst while zoomed, 3x Shock element
  • RF200.G Malevolent Bitch: SMG; large critical
  • PPZ1270.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst while zoomed
  • LB1170.G Fearsome Executioner: Sniper rifle; large magazine and five shot burst zoomed, 3x Fire element
  • RPG720.W Colossal Nidhogg: Rocket launcher; Fast reload and rains additional rockets

Jakobs weapons

  • RV21 XX Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire
  • KLR330 ZZ Savage Unforgiven: Revolver; large critical but slow fire
  • SG1 XX Genocide Striker: Shotgun; tight spread and large critical
  • VRR29 ZZ Fearsome Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles
  • GGN20 Long Skullmasher: Sniper rifle; multiple projectiles

Maliwan weapons

  • HRD C Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
  • TK4 Wicked Firehawk: Pistol; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
  • KLR300 B Pestilent Defiler: Pistol; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
  • MAL300 C Pestilent Defiler: Revolver; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
  • SPR630 B Fatal Plague: Shotgun; powerful corrosive attack, 4x Corrosive element
  • TD3 B Combustion Hellfire: SMG; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
  • DVL350 C Fearsome Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
  • GGN30 Solid Volcano: Sniper rifle; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element
  • SPC260 C Colossal Rhino: Rocket launcher; powerful incendiary attack, 4x Fire element

SES Munitions weapons

  • BLR4 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst
  • HRD5.2 Wicked Gemini: Pistol; large magazine and split shot burst
  • TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
  • TMP88.3 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
  • TMP88 Vile Thanatos: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
  • ZPR43 Fatal Crux: Shotgun; large magazine and special explosive pattern, 1-4x Explosive
  • PPZ470.3 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, 3x Shock element
  • PPZ7 Fearsome Orion: Sniper rifle; large magazine and shock projectiles, 3x Shock element

Tediore weapons

  • PRO4-A Wicked Predator: Pistol; generates its own ammunition
  • EQ20-B Savage Equalizer: Revolver; generates its own ammunition, 2x Fire element
  • DEF900-B Genocide Defender: Shotgun; generates its own ammunition, 2x Shock element
  • GRD12-A War Guardian: Assault rifle; generates its own ammunition
  • SV4-A Malevolent Savior: SMG; generates its own ammunition

Torgue weapons

  • RF4 Cruel Violator: Pistol; three shot burst
  • ZX1 Friendly Fire: Shotgun; powerful incendiary attack in special pattern, 3x Fire element
  • KKA4 Malevolent Gasher: SMG; high damage and a burst of rounds
  • LB570 Fearsome Cobra: Sniper rifle; powerful explosive attack but slow fire, 4x Explosive element
  • RPG21 Colossal Redemption: Rocket launcher, large rocket with big bang

Vladof weapons

  • TK6 Cruel Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
  • HRD6/V2 Wicked Rebel: Pistol; large magazine and fast reload
  • TMP2 Stabilized Vengeance: SMG; high accuracy and ignore shields
  • ZX330/V3 Fatal Hammer: Shotgun; large magazine and high damage, 3x Explosive element
  • RWL20/V3 Colossal Mongol: Rocket launcher; spawns a horde of additional rockets

Eridian weapons are always green.
