
Ciro Mazzoni Baby Loop

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Ciro Mazzoni BABY Automatic Magnetic Loop Antenna provides transmit and receive continuous coverage across 6.6 - 29.8 MHz which includes all of the 40 - 10 meter HF amateur radio bands.  It is made of aircraft grade aluminum. The tuning capacitor is an air-variable type made of thick aluminum plates.  Each set of capacitor plates is welded directly to opposite portions of the top of the loop.Ciro Mazzoni BABY Automatic Magnetic Loop Antenna provides transmit and receive continuous coverage across 6.6 - 29.8 MHz which includes all of the 40 - 10 meter HF [[amateur radio]] bands.  It is made of aircraft grade aluminum. The tuning capacitor is an air-variable type made of thick aluminum plates.  Each set of capacitor plates is welded directly to opposite portions of the top of the loop.
Bureaucrat, administrator