Coin Operated MP3 Digital Jukebox

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Physical music jukebox machine that uses digital storage, accepts coins to play music, selection based upon digital MP3 music files loaded by the machine manager.


MPE is the new standard in secure media distribution systems. It is used on coin-operated system for Juke Boxes in operations such as pubs, sports bars, and coin operated pool halls. To find a machine that uses traditional MP3 files is difficult due to music piracy laws. The common MPE systems require pay to connect to a music online services for the music and will not allow adding MP3 or other digital music files directly through a physical direct interface.

The proprietary MPE technology allows companies to securely move digital audio and video content from computer to juke box through the internet. There's a digital fingerprint and watermark system that ensures authorized use and payment. An MPE is basically an encrypted MP3 digital audio file. There are other formats of encrypted music files.


Using a Juke Box in your Business

You will need a Business License from the City in which you locate the jukebox/s. It's very likely that the city will require an Amusement Device License as well. You will need to contact the JukeBox License Office, a company that takes care of all royalty requirements for you.

Juke Box Stamps Show ASCAP Royalties Paid. Whenever you enter a restaurant or bar with a juke box you will notice a colored paper stamp posted on the machine somewhere, possibly several from past years. That stamp means that the restaurant has paid an ASCAP fee to have that juke box.

Licenses for jukeboxes are available through the Jukebox License Office. The JLO makes it convenient and economical for you to obtain the permission you need for your jukebox by serving as a "clearinghouse" that provides authorization to perform virtually every copyrighted song in the United States and much of the world.


Potential Manufacturers and Resellers


Won't let you load MP3 files yourself. It gets the music from SBA Music, Australia's most professional Legal supplier of music content.

link: USA Distribution

Music Line Jukeboxes

The Music Line jukeboxes are ideal to operate them in bars, taverns, pubs and in other entertainment venues, for party hire. Made by a company called "A8 Audio Kft" out of the country of Hungary. A8 Audio Kft produces and supply coin operated video jukeboxes, amusement machines including the worldwide unique Goal Pinball machine.

Address: Oktober 23-a u. 10, Jaszbereny, 5100, Hungary
Tel: 	 +36 57 501770
Fax: 	 +36 57 501771

Guangzhou Chuangjian Technology Limited

Jukebox products.

Digital Video Bubbler Jukebox

Designed to rip CD music content direct to the hard drive, burn CDs with music or video content and allows the user to connect to the internet to access music and video downloads as well as internet radio for maximum entertainment possibilities. This 21th century jukebox features original-style percolating bubbles tubes, dual-toned neon lighting, high gloss furniture-grade wood and wood veneers, to look like an old fashioned Juke Box.

They are NOT COIN OPERATED. These units would have to be modified to accept coins.


Built It Using a PC

Convert you PC into coin operated or bill operated Internet kiosk, Internet cafe, and coin operated PC game, Juke box, coin operated adult video System. Save you management cost, hiring cost, make profit for your Internet cafe and kiosk business.

  • Internet Cafe Kiosk PC-Game Timer
  • Weavefuture Universal Muilt Coin Acceptor AK5
  • Weavefuture kiosk timer board (bill and coin)



  • Coin Operated Internet Cafe Kiosk PC-Game Timer
  • Bill Acceptor Self Service Internet Kiosk Software
  • Coin Operated Internet Kiosk Timer Easy
  • VRockola
  • DWJukebox

VRockola is a software solution that allows the use of a standard Windows PC, as a jukebox, for home entertainment or commercial use (as a coin operated machine in a jukebox rental business).

After you install VRockola, the software search classify and display the media ordered by artist, album or category in a graphic environment that allows to program music & videos in the well known traditional jukebox way ( typing the number assigned to each media file). You can add a coin receiver connected trough the mouse and make it work in conjunction with the software to make selection available only after the insertion of a coin (credit).

VRockola can be operated with a touch screen monitor too. VRockola lets you convert a standard ball mouse into an interface for a coin device. Solder two wires into the mouse and to the coin acceptor.


Production Goals

Digital music, coin operated jukebox using a PC board and touch screen LCD monitor.

Must allow/support:

  • Bill by the song, not by the minute: Pay-per-song
  • Software that will work with coin hardware
  • Software available to allow it to work with touch screen monitor
  • accept US coins and bills
  • touch screen LCD display

