Console Command Reference

This is the original Basic Command Reference for UNIX/Linux from our BBS

See also: Console Command Examples

[ Basic Command Reference for UNIX/Linux ]

Linux/UNIX command                  Description                                          MS-DOS equivalent  
--------------------                --------------------                                --------------------
./{application}                  start {application} in current dir.                    {application}
{up arrow / down arrow}          previous / next command in buffer                      doskey  
cd {directory}                   go to directory {directory}                            cd  
cd .. (or cd ../ or cd /..)      go down one directory                                  cd..  
{string} [tab] [tab]             view all commands starting with {string}
adduser                          add a user to the system
ls                               list a directory                                       dir  
cat {filename}                   view a textfile on the terminal                        type  
mv {filename} {newname}          move or rename file                                    move  
cp {filename} {filepath}         copy file                                              copy  
rm {filename}                    delete a file                                          del  
mkdir {directory}                make a directory                                       md  
rmdir {directory}                remove a directory                                     rd  
rm -r {directory}                remove directory and all underlying files              deltree  
rm p                             remove a package
df                               Show free space on device                              chkdsk
top                              view memory status (q to quit)                         mem  
man {command}                    get a manual page about these commands                 help
less {filename}                  enhanced text file view  
echo                             print something on the screen                          echo  
mc                               Norton Commander for UNIX                              nc  
mount                            to couple a device (cdrom) (floppy)
umount                           to uncouple a device
shutdown -h now                  to shutdown (same as the shutdown on windows start menu)
shutdown -r now                  to shutdown and reboot the system

[ Advanced commands ]

chmod {permissions} {file}          Change file permissions  
ls -l x                             Perform a detailed directory listing for file x  
ln -s x y                           Make a symbolic link from x to y  
find x -name y -print               find file y, begin the search from within directory x and 
                                    print the results to the screen  
ps                                  to view all running processes  
kill x                              to terminate process x (x is PID from ps)  
[alt] + F1 - F7                     switch to terminal 1 - 7 (in text terminal; F7 = X-Windows 
                                    (when started))  
lilo                                to make a boot disk  

[ Additional Advanced commands ]

dmesg                               print kernel buffer, useful to review boot messages

[ Derek's General Linux Quick Command Reference with examples ]

*-----[access removable drives]-----*
cdrom mount -> mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cdrom unmount -> umount /dev/cdrom
floppy mount -> mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
floppy unmount -> umount /dev/fd0

*-----[logging on and off]-----*
shutdown -h now (to completely shutdown system
startx -- -bpp 15 (load XF86 in high colour)
15= 32768, 16 bpp= 65536, 24 or 32 bpp,= 16.7 mil colors

*-----[connect to inet with minicom]-----*
minicom -s
cntrl-A + D , (add phonenumber if necessary)
connect , after the *%^*)*^%58^%&%(*^&%$^&*(*&(^%
cntrl-A + Q and choose "Quit without Reset"
at the prompt type: pppd defaultroute /dev/modem

*-----[install software and components]-----*
RPM -> rpm -i --percent filename.rpm
tar xvf filename.tar -> untar
gzip -dfvr -> un-gzip

*-----[hotkeys and multitask]-----*
Alt-F1 through F6 -> switches consoles
Ctrl-Alt-F1-F2 to 6 -> switch from X to console
Alt-F7 -> switch from console back to X

ping -i 300 /dev/null -> ping bot
ping -i 300 }/dev/null & -> better
ps -u username -> show my processes on SunOS Unix
route -h -> show network info and ip's

*-----[console keystrokes]-----*
vi -> vi filename (powerful text editor)
pico -> pico filename (edit a text file)
SHIFT-PGUP -> in colsole to scroll up
ls | less -> does directory in scrollable format
ls -l | less -> above with file sizes
pico filename -> create batch program
chmod +x filename -> set executable file permission
ln -s realdir fakedir -> create link to directory
pwd -> shows working directory

modprobe -> added kernel module
modprobe ne.o -> with parameters to add netcard

*-----[recompile kernel]-----*
uname -r -> display current kernel version
make config or make menuconfig

[ Terminology ]

symlink  Symbolic link to another file or directory. Like Win95's shortcuts  
shell script  Like MS-DOS's batchfiles; perform a series of commands after another.  

[ X-Windows ]
startx                                 to start X-windows  
[ctrl] + [alt] + [backsp]              to quit X during trouble  
[ctrl] + [alt] + F1 - F6               to switch to text terminal 1 - 6 (in X-windows)  
xf86Config                             most primitive setup/configurator for x (in text terminal)  
Xconfigurator                          another configurator for X in text terminal  
xf86Setup                              an X-Windows configurator for X  
configX                                to configure Metro-X server  


printenv - show environment variables

Related Pages

If what you're looking for isn't on this page, try some of these related pages:


Carbonite Page: This page is an archived entry and should not be modified. Information on this page may be out of date, however, still useful. An example is data for legacy systems or outdated technologies that are still being used by some, such as Vacuum Tube bogey values, analog broadcast television frequencies or MS-DOS 6.22 commands. Although outdated, this information will not change or evolve any further. Certain archived pages on the D.U.C.K. Wiki have been imported from our older ANSI BBS system and other storage mediums previously used. These pages are kept unmodified for archival purposes.
Last modified on 2 October 2019, at 15:56