Dual Boot Linux Mint Partition With GParted Example

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In this example we use GParted to create a file system for dual boot two versions of Mint Linux on a 500GB harddrive.

After you boot from the Linux Mint installation media click the Linux Mint Menu -> Administration -> GParted

Select the correct drive, in this example unallocated space on /dev/sda (465.76 GiB)

You need only one partition table for the physical disk drive. Device -> Create Partition Table... -> gpt

We create a GPT (GUID Partition Table) rather than MS-DOS for this example.

Partition -> New

Create the following:

  • Create Primary Partition #1 (fat32 1024) ends up /dev/sda1 and won't be used but is created if efi doesn't exist and may be needed
  • Create Primary Partition #2 (linux-swap, 16,384) end up /dev/sda2
  • Create Primary Partition #3 (ext4, 131072 as /) end up /dev/sda3
  • Create Primary Partition #4 (ext4, 131072 as /2) end up /dev/sda4
  • Create Primary Partition #5 (ext4, remaining space as /share) end up /dev/sda5