Electric Dryer Service
If your Dryer is making Noises Check the Following
Not all will apply to every dryer. Check our video page for more style dryers.
Basic Configuration
Many dryers use rollers or wheels to support the clothes drum. When these rollers are worn, they can be noisy. You should replace the whole set of rollers at the same time. You will need to disassemble the dryer to check these. Some dryers use rollers in both the front and rear. Check our videos for other style dryers.
The Belt should be replaced if you hear any noise coming from it or if there is any cracking, glazing, or grooves worn out. Replace the Belt along with the idler pulley.
Idler pulley
Dryers have a tension or idler pulley that keeps tension on the main drive belt. When it's worn, it can be noisy. When that happens, don't lubricate it. Just replace it.
Many dryers use nylon or plastic glides at the front of the clothes drum for support. When these are worn, they can be noisy. When that happens, replace the glides and bearing housing if necessary. Put hand inside drum near front and push up there should be no play.
Rear drum bearing
Some dryers support the clothes drum in the rear with a center spindle instead of rollers. The spindle may be a ball-and-socket type support or a shaft through a sleeve. When the components are worn, they may squeak, squeal, or rub. You can't repair them. Just replace the rear bearing when they're worn. Put hand inside drum near rear and push up there should be no play. This video walks thru another type.
Blower wheel
Your dryer's blower wheel pulls air over the heat source, through the clothes drum, and past the thermosta ts, then pushes it out the exhaust duct. The blower wheel, which is usually plastic, may wear out over time. But if it's noisy, it may simply be clogged with lint. Clean the blower and test to see if the dryer is still noisy. If it is, you probably need to replace the blower wheel. Many times the blower wheel is making the noise and it is commonly mistaken for the motor.
The motor may be making noise. The easy way to check is to remove the belt and turn the dryer on if it is noisy replace the motor.
source: http://appliancehelponline.com/edryernoises.html
Actual source web site contains links and video.
video - http://www.appliancehelponline.com/dryernoisyge.html
Replace Dryer Belt
Common dryer belt hookup