Firefox Extended Support Release

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Firefox ESR is a free and open source web browser app developed by Mozilla. Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes and a more conservative interface.

Firefox ESR is the most stable and tested version of the browser which makes it more suitable for individuals and organizations that prefer fewer changes and all the bells and whistles constantly added to the regular version of Firefox at the whim of creative developers.

Firefox ESR offers users a stable and secure web browsing experience with a consistent, reliable, and secure browsing environment. This variant of Firefox offers the perfect blend of stability and advanced features.

The Firefox Extended Support Release so that you don't get forcefully upgraded to the dreaded Quantum 57.


  1. Open Software Manager
  2. In the search box type "Firefox" and click "remove"
  3. Close Software Manager
  4. Launch Software Sources (Menu button - Administration - Software Sources)
  5. Choose PPAs and +Add a new PPA
  6. enter: ppa:mozillateam/ppa
  7. Click "update the cache" and close Software Sources
  8. Open Software Manager
  9. In the search box type "Firefox-esr" and when located "install"


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install firefox-esr

See also: Firefox , Favorite Firefox Extensions