Free and Open Source Software Hosting

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C|Net [1] and [2] help you locate publicly available software in archives and other distribution sites around the world. You can use to look for a specific program name, or search by a type of application, hardware platform, operating system, and other criteria. also includes trial versions of commercially available software. Warning, some of the programs may contain spyware or in rare instances, a computer virus.

A Shareware Download site.
  • Freeware, Shareware, Demo, and Open Source software
  • Windows, Linux, Mac, PDA operating sytems
  • Production ready software for end users to download

Freshmeat only lists software for *nix (including Mac OS X) and handheld devices. It lists software which runs on other platforms as long as it also runs on either a Unix-like operating system or a handheld device. Freshmeat will not list software which only runs on Microsoft Windows.

Developers release and share their software.
  • Software must run on Unix, Linux, Mac, and PDA type devices.
  • No Microsoft only software.
  • Commercial and Open Source licenses both.
  • For developers and end users

Google Code: Project Hosting

Starting your own Open Source project? Let Google host the code and documentation for you, free. Part of Google Code. Software you submit must be intended to be available to the members of the public. You give Google a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, adapt, modify, publish and distribute such Content on Google services for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting Google services.

Developers to release open source software
  • Open Source Software Projects only.
  • Any Operating System
  • Any development stage
  • For developers and end users

Provides access to thousands of Windows software titles, that are either free to keep (freeware) or can be downloaded as a free trial (shareware). Each product is submitted by a software company or developer - a link to the developer's web site is included with every description. Review and ratings. They claim to download and test each software. SnapFiles is no longer accepting any software that installs third party advertising or tracking components of any kind, regardless of the fact that it is disclosed in the license agreement or not.

A Shareware Download site.
  • Freeware, Shareware, Demo, and Open Source software
  • Microsoft Windows software only
  • Production ready software for end users to download is the world's largest Open Source software development web site. provides free hosting to Open Source software development projects with a centralized resource for managing projects, issues, communications, and code. One of the following software licenses must be used: GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL), BSD License, Public Domain, MIT License Apache License V2.0, Artistic License, Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1), Academic Free License (AFL)

Developers to release open source software, seek other developers, and manage projects
  • Open Source Software Projects only.
  • Any Operating System
  • Any development stage
  • For developers and end users


Tucows seeks to make the Internet easier and more effective for Internet users by providing software that relates to the Internet. Tucows has changed a lot over the years. Originally it was a place to download shareware.

A Shareware Download site.
  • Freeware, Shareware, Demo, and Open Source software
  • Windows, Linux, Mac, PDA operating sytems
  • Production ready software for end users to download

ZDNet Downloads

Download from a collection of tested, rated and reviewed shareware, freeware and commercial demos for Windows, Macintosh, Palm OS, CE and Pocket PC. Also part of C|Net, relates to: [3] and [4].

A Shareware Download site.
  • Freeware, Shareware, Demo, and Open Source software
  • Windows, Linux, Mac, PDA operating sytems
  • Production ready software for end users to download