GTK+ File Chooser Dialog
The primary user interface for selecting files
- File Open
- File Save
Applications in Ubuntu / Mint call the GTK+ File Chooser Dialog for this purpose.
- GTK+ file chooser
Which includes
- GtkFileChooser interface
- GtkFileChooserDialog
The basic elements of GtkFileSelection widget are:
- A drop-down menu to select parent directories of the current directory
- list of subdirectories of the current directory
- A list of files in the current directory
- An entry to type in the name of the file to load or save
- Optionally, a set of buttons to create new directories and to rename or delete files
customize and configure
vi /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
As people already said here, you can set StartupMode=cwd in ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini. This file exists already, if it is GTK+2, but I am not sure if your screenshot shows GTK+3.
In this case insert this line into your ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini:
If you want "/" to appear as first view, you need to chdir / before starting the application.
startup mode
In ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini
"recent" and "cwd" are the choices available to the user. An app developer can set an arbitrary start up folder by calling gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder ().
vi ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks
In Mint 18.3 To customize the list of "Places" that appears in the dialog you can edit the bookmarks file.
If you're using PCManFM and you click BOOKMARKS -> Add to Bookmarks an entry will be created in the ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks file
Also in PCManFM you can right-click on a bookmark and remove it, thus resulting in the entry being removed from the bookmarks file as well.
White Space is handled like this in the text file: "My Folder"
file:///office/My%20Folder My Folder
Notice that in the path %20 represents a white space, however, in the following label it is not necessary to use %20 for the white space.
For GTK+ dialog, the location bar will not appear while viewing "Recently Used" in the file chooser. In this view, even Ctrl+L shortcut keys will not work.
KGtk is the hackish way to use KDE dialogs in GTK+ applications.
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