Ham Radios Easy to Mod for GMRS

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This list is for reference and research only. It is not recommended that you seek to purchase one of these transceivers for the purpose of modification for use on GMRS. It is not permitted to use an amateur radio on GMRS frequency.

modification required

  • Alinco DR-600T - very simple - clip one wire (the blue one) 400 - 517 RX & TX
  • Icom IC-208H - moderately simple - remove two tiny resisters on surface mount board. 400.0000 - 478.9875 RX & TX
  • Icom IC-2820H - moderately simple - remove tiny resisters
  • Icom IC-880H -

already open to frs/gmrs

  • most of the Chinese radios do this, some examples...
  • TYT TH-9800 - transmits on GMRS w/o modification