Hints and Recipes for VB6

Revision as of 12:01, 2 February 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Date and Time examples with formatting options

 strTimeStamp = Date & " " & Format(Time, "HH:mm:ss")
 strMsg = strMsg & "date/time of request: " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf
 strSQLdate = Format(Date, "M/d/yyyy")


 With cboDelimiter
   .AddItem "TAB"
   .AddItem "PIPE"
   .AddItem "SPACE"
   .AddItem "fancy!"
 End With
 cboDelimiter = "TAB"

Delay without using a Timer control

 Public Sub LongDelay(intSeconds As Long)
   Dim cnt As Double
   cnt = Timer + intSeconds
   Do While Timer < cnt
 End Sub

Quickly determine which option button is selected

Often OptionButton controls are arranged in control arrays. To quickly find the index of the only selected OptionButton control apply this little math trick. The following example assumes there are 3 option buttons in a control array.

intSelected = Option(0).Value * 0 - Option(1).Value * 1 - Option(2).Value * 2

Note that the first operand is always zero, and you can simplify the above expression as follows:

intSelected = -Option(1).Value - Option(2).Value * 2

Credit to Ed Lampman for this VB trick.


Last modified on 2 February 2008, at 12:01