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Used on an unlocked Nintendo Wii Game Console.

HomebreWare is considered a scam by many because it doesn't offer anything that can't be done for free. For the money you simply get everything you need nicely bundled in one place. You can go download everything you need for free as an alternative to buying HomebreWare and save yourself money.

It is basically a package containing the free Homebrew Channel, Backup Channel (and the cIOS code needed by Backup Channel). The code packaged contains all the functionality described in their marketing but is not written by them and is available for free from other sources on the Internet. HomebreWare does offer a simplified guide that they say makes it easier and safer to unlock your Wii with "all the right stuff" they package for you. It includes all the needed files, simplified instructions, 24/7 support, and Wii game downloads as well as homebrew downloads.

HomebreWare is a Packaging of Free Utilities with a Well Written Guide and Support

HomebreWare is just one of many software programs that can be purchased through the internet to “unlock” your Nintendo Wii gaming console. The normal price for Homebreware is $55, though they have currently put up a special where it is running for a more competitive $29.

The Wii Unlocker Ultra is a competitor to HomebreWare.