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medit – text editor

medit is an open source programming and around-programming text editor.

It’s a GTK text editor.

This application started as an editor component of GGAP, but has developed into a real full-featured text editor.

Features include:

  • Regular expression search/replace.
  • grep and find frontends.
  • Built-in file selector.
  • Split views.
  • Configurable syntax highlighting:
  • Markup: BibTeX, Docbook, DTD, HTML, LaTeX, Mallard, Texinfo, Text2Tags, XML, XSLT.
  • Sources: Ada, ASP, BennuGD, Boo, C, C#, C++, C/C++/ObjC Header, CG Shader Language, Cobol, CUDA, D, Eiffel, Erlang, F#, Forth, Fortran 95, Go, Haskell, IDL, Java, Literate Haskell, Makefile, Nemerle, Objective-C, Objective Caml, OOC, Opal, OpenGL Shading Language, Pascal, Prolog, Scheme, SPARQL, SQL, SystemVerilog, Vala, VB.NET, Verilog, VHDL.
  • Scientific: FCL, GAP, Octave, R, Scilab.
  • Scripts: awk, Dos Batch, JavaScript, Lua, m4, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, sh, Tcl
  • Other: ChangeLog, CMake, CSS, .desktop, Diff, DPatch, GDB Log, gettext translation, Graphviz Dot, GtkRC, .ini, libtool, MSIL, NSIS, OCL, pkg-config, RPM spec, Yacc.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Configurable keyboard accelerators.
  • Plugins: can be written in C or Python.
  • Configurable tools available from the main and context menus. These tools can be written in Python, can be a shell script, or in Mooscript – a simple built-in scripting language.
  • Text wrapping.
  • Auto indentation.
  • Configurable tab key indents.
  • Configurable fonts and color scheme.
  • Session support.
  • Encoding support.
  • File filters.
  • Internationalization support.


Developer: Yevgen Muntyan

License: GNU GPL v2
