Microsoft DirectX

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A collection of application programming interfaces for handling tasks related to multimedia, mostly video, on Microsoft Windows. It was released in 1995 and was designed to allow all programs to write instructions for hardware without knowing exactly what hardware is within the computer. Games which include DirectX will have the capability of utilizing multimedia and graphics accelerator features efficiently.

Windows 95 OSR2 was the first version of Windows shipped with DirectX. It included DirectX version 2.0. At the time DirectX did not live up to the expectation of game developers and many opted not to use the technology. Windows NT shipped with DirectX 2.0. Upgrading to Service Pack 3 or higher will install DirectX 3.0. However, there are no higher versions of DirectX available for Windows NT.

DirectX Graphics

  • DirectDraw: for drawing 2D Graphics (raster graphics). Now deprecated, though still in use by a number of games and as a video renderer in media applications.
  • Direct3D (D3D): for drawing 3D graphics.
  • DXGI: for enumerating adapters and monitors and managing swap chains for Direct3D 10 and up.

APIs such as Direct3D and DirectSound need to interact with hardware, and they do this through a device driver. Hardware manufacturers have to write these drivers for a particular DirectX version's device driver interface (or DDI), and test each individual piece of hardware to make them DirectX compatible.

Determine the Version of DirectX Using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool

To use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool to determine the version of DirectX that is installed on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. Type dxdiag, and then click OK.
  3. On the System tab, note the version of DirectX displayed on the DirectX Version line.
  4. On the DirectX Files tab, check the version information for each DirectX file.
  5. When you are finished checking file versions, click Exit.
  • If Windows cannot find the dxdiag program, DirectX version 5.0 or earlier is installed on your computer. If this is the case, download and install the current version of DirectX.

The DirectX Diagnostic Tool can also be opened by running 'dxdiag'

  • Start, Run, type: 'dxdiag'

Windows XP: The support for Windows XP with Service Pack 3 ends April 8, 2014. As on 2014, the Latest Version of Direct X for XP is DirectX Version 9.0c. This will likely be the last version released for XP.

DirectX 11.2 is included in Windows 8.1, Windows RT and Windows Server 2012 R2.


  • Go Directly to the DirectX download at
DirectX Installer

WARNING! WGA Virus Windows Genuine Advantage check is required to download DirectX 10 from Do not proceed if you are running a non-licensed version of Microsoft Windows.

To AVOID THE WGA CHECK you can download the DirectX runtimes instead of using the web installer.

Outdated Download links: Each link above is to a specific version of DirectX. You will have to check for the latest end user runtimes.

The Windows Genuine Advantage section called HowTo Download Popular Microsoft Software from Microsoft and Skip the WGA Check also has DirectX downloads.

There is no standalone update package for DirectX 11.2. You can only install this DirectX version through Windows Update in Windows 8.1, Windows RT and Windows Server 2012 R2.