
Mint Linux Distribution Reference

1,007 bytes added, 18:35, 5 July 2020
/* Cinnamon Window List Applet Aligning Right */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
Grouped Window List - there are two options relating to thumbnail preview and "show the window when hovering" which can be annoying, the latter being the most annoying.  You may or may not want to disable "Show Thumbnails" but I find the need to disable "Show the window when hovering its thumbnail" very necessary, what an obnoxious behavior!!!!#Right Click any open application icon in the panel -> Preferences -> Configure#On the GENERAL tab/button of the Grouped Window List dialog disable "Group windows by applocation"#On the THUMBNAILS tab/button of the Grouped Window List dialog, Thumbnail, you may wish to disable "Show thumbnails," and in the same area under the "Hover Peek" heading I strongly recommend you disable "Show the window when hovering its thumbnail"All of this applies to Mint 19.2 with Cinnamon 4.x.  I am sure the devs will change all of the feature names and locations, add more obnoxious crap, and make it increasingly obfuscated to control or disable by the next release.
Bureaucrat, administrator