Movies of 2006 Review

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A Good Year for Movies!


  • Adventure, Historical
  • Subtitles

High artistic value and lesson in human nature. One thing about subtitle movies is that the eyes are pulled from screen action to read the text. This is a very long movie and it is important to follow the storyline carefully. Although an excellent movie, it isn't relaxing to watch due to the focus and attention required to read and follow all of the dialog while still tracking action and activity on the screen. The movie does prove once again that Mel Gibson is an extremely dynamic Hollywood icon. Everyone should see this movie.

The Benchwarmers

  • Comedy

Molly Sims made this typical run of the mill comedy a bit better. Otherwise, the film follows a tired comedy formula and tries too hard to fish laughs from the audience. If you're not much of a deep thinker you might enjoy this movie. Others will probably fall asleep after realizing they've seen this story many times before.

Blood Diamond

  • Adventure and Political

Leonardo DiCaprio really does exceed expectations again and again. He has matured in his more recent films and portrays characters extremely well one would, at first, think weren't a good fit for him. DiCaprio is an exceptional, multi-dimensional actor that deserves due credit. Jennifer Connelly is an underrated yet consistent actress that always performs well. An unknown, actor Djimon Hounsou is very human and easy to connect with. One can imagine being in his shoes and feeling as he does for his family. Leonardo's fate was a little predictable from the beginning, however, the film works and tells a story that all United States citizens should understand is what's really going on. You'll think twice before buying diamond jewelry next time.

Employee of the Month

  • Comedy

Didn't expect much prior to watching this film but was actually somewhat amused. This one is worth sitting through at least once, and is good for a few laughs. Seeing Jessica Simpson as the attractive retail saleswoman held back in life due the physical anomaly of giant over sized ears may have made it worth while. Dane Cook was sharp and funny. Unfortunately, the ending predictable and the film ultimately formulamatic. The antagonist's character was well played and may remind you of someone you know in life. Watch this movie if you have nothing better to do, it might amuse you.

Flags Of Our Fathers

  • Revisionist History / or History Correcting

Yet another "our heroes and American history is all fiction" cynical movie that is a symbol of the modern age of Hollywood. Director Clint Eastwood seems to have joined the band wagon with other Hollywood types that are quick to portray the United States in a negative light. Does every skeptical rebuttal of our history need to be portrayed as absolute fact in a movie some might deem as anti-American, or is it a story that needs to be told so that history can be corrected? Unfortunately Clint's best movie days are behind him in the 60's and 70's. The story, characters, and events of this film might fail to be interesting enough to watch more than once, whether or not you care about the political nature of the film. On the other hand, maybe it is a story that needs to be told. Personally, I would rather watch Sands of Iwo Jima a dozen more times than this one again.

The House of Usher

  • Horror

Yet another movie version of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," this one in a contemporary setting. There has got to be at least a dozen House of Usher movies out there, the best being the classic 1960 version with Vincent Price. The 2006 version falls quite short. The best thing about this version is the good performance by Izabella Miko. Slow paced, boring, weak acting besides Miko. There's a newer 2008 version of this movie due to be released.


  • Comedy

Luke Wilson is a good solid actor, Maya Rudolph from SNL does well and good fit for her role. Scary reflection onto future although ridiculously exaggerated, actually pinpoints key notes of ignorance, branding, and the offspring of the ipod generation. Very entertaining for the simple and for the more thoughtful audiences. It's a Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan combined with Airheads except everyone with meaning. Good fun!

I'm Reed Fish

  • Dorky Romantic Comedy

This is a very confusing, slow paced movie about a scrawny young guy that is making a movie about his relationship. You are watching his movie through the movie. I find it hard to believe that these gawky, skinny dorks are fetching these hot looking girls. Also, he seems to be some sort of local celebrity in small town America, where in reality it would be more likely he would be a weird outcast. Schuyler Fisk seems to have some real musical talent. Ultimately, this is just a weird, pointless, movie that uses some sort of movie-in-a-movie gimmick to try and sell an unbelievable situational romance. The movie moved to slowly and some people I watched it with actually fell asleep.


  • Sports Drama

An inspirational sports drama about the real life story of 30-year-old Philadelphia Eagles fan Vince Papale in a once in a lifetime opportunity tries out for a Pro football team and gets his shot. Mark Wahlberg is actually a really talented actor and this movie demonstrates his ability to believably become a character. In this movie you can really form a bond with Wahlberg's character and his struggles. Even if you have no interest in football, this movie is an excellent character drama and inspirational true story worth telling. Great movie!

John Tucker Must Die

  • Comedy

This was a cute movie that turned out better than expected. Right away you realize that John Tucker is a jerk, but you start to feel sorry for him. The three girls that conspire together are less than believable, however, not unexpected for this type of movie. For a silly teen audience intended comedy the movie is actually pretty clean and funny. It's worth watching and good entertainment.

The Last King of Scotland

  • Adventure and Historical

Completely unexpected and overpoweringly present Forest Whitaker is Idi Amin, a controversial historical figure that you think you might want to like, overlooking some serious flaws until you realize the darkness within this historical dictator. This movie is similar to Blood Diamond, also released this year. However, this movie is more significant and leaves a longer lasting impression in the viewers mind. At times you think Nicholas Garrigan is a naive idealist, then you begin to hope he wises up before he gets killed. He isn't easy to connect with at first and you end up imaging what you might have done in his shoes. Could he have continued to influence Amin if he had been more pragmatic, or was it a sinking ship? Amin's character unfolds layer by layer via the modest yet powerful acting of Forest Whitaker until you ultimately conclude that Amin is a complete lunatic. The X Files actress Gillian Anderson appears in this film as a relatively unimportant character that turns out to be wiser than Dr. Nicholas Garrigan but helpless to do anything about the young doctor falling under the spell of the dictator. This film is underrated and will likely be looked back upon as a movie that failed to achieve due recognition during its time.

Little Children

  • Drama

An absolute must see, completely offbeat, and highly artistic character drama. At first men watching the movie will think Kate Winslet looks plain, but soon realize she is beautiful. This just happens to be a feminist movie that could pop up on the Lifetime network someday, yet somehow is so good that any intelligent man will also become entranced with the storyline. Characters are complex and believable for the most part. Perhaps the least believable is Patrick Wilson's character, yet still possible, and reflect on the type of child in an adults body, someone that each of us knows in real life. Often underrated, Jennifer Connelly proves she can become more real than her character. The people are human, flawed, and as people in real life often disappoint, so do the main character's friends, family, and acquaintances. Underlying political and social commentary, subtle and easily digestible whether you're liberal or conservative. Not a movie for fans of Jurassic Park or individuals with a short attention span. This is a quality character drama that allows you to invest yourself in the characters. Meaningful literary references. Comparable to American Beauty yet far better, much more memorable. Surprise ending. Highly recommended.

Lucky Number Slevin

  • Crime Dark Comedy

This movie includes some strong actors like, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Morgan Freeman, Josh Hartnett, Ben Kingsley, and Stanley Tucci. It seems like a modern Tarantino type complex pulp fiction feeling story with a few forced scenes and over analytical characters. It was nice to see Lucy Liu play a peppy sweet girl instead of a kung-fu b*tch as she is all too often typecast as. It changes a bit half way though and gets more serious. If its supposed to be more comic-book than believable, then it works, and serves as a pretty cool movie, although somewhat silly at times to the point of being distracting. I never quite get the popularity of Ben Kingsley, his lines are always delivered in a mumbling that is difficult to understand behind a heavy accent or perhaps just a speech impediment. He isn't very big either, making it difficult to believe he is a bad-*ss as he is so often cast. I guess being bald is enough to be tougher than nails in Hollywood. I wouldn't discourage anyone from watching this movie - it serves as good entertainment.

The Marine

  • Action

Typical action movie formula, bullets flying everywhere but unable to find a target, explosions, and cars flying through the air. Robert Patrick is capable of great acting, yet continues to get cast in B movies like this. Everything explodes in this movie, just a series of endless explosions. Kelly Carlson from Nip Tuck appears in this movie. Professional wrestling's John Cena is the protagonist and really looks the part of a jarhead. Action overkill makes this movie rather mindless and boring. I only started watching this movie because Robert Patrick's name was in the cast. It's a pretty stupid movie and the producer should be kicked in the sack for making it.

My Super Ex Girlfriend

  • Comedy

The ratings are relative to the type of film, and for a comedy this movie is actually quite clever and refreshing. Although Uma Thurman is highly overrated and looks no more attractive as her superhero personality than her secret identity, she really nails the role of nutty and obsessed ex girlfriend. Give her superhero powers and Luke Wilson finds himself in more trouble than he ever imagined. Anna Faris isn't necessarily a very dynamic actress, but she is likable and adds to this movie. This film could very well have you rolling on the floor laughing and the crazy events unfold. Poor Luke gets himself into a situation that is entirely his own fault, but you like him and want him to live through the ordeal without getting stuck with crazy G-girl. Either way, his life is in danger and he needs to find a way out. High marks for uniqueness and thoroughly entertaining humor.

Pan's Labyrinth

  • Foreign Film, Drama, Fantasy
  • Subtitles

This film was nothing like expected and much more than what seemed possible. Is the young girl a mythical princess of an underground kingdom or is it merely a mental escape from a horrific reality of war, a miserable mother, evil, and hopelessness. Evidence that others can see but only the girl is aware of the significance seems to suggest her fantasy is real. High artistic value. Subtitles. Fascinating and deeply real characters. This is a peek into the real Grimm's Fairy Tales. This is a movie that you will take with you after watching. You will continue to think about it again and again as you consider all of the film's meaning. Offbeat and beautiful. Characters make the film unforgettable. I couldn't decide if I felt even a tiny little bit bad for the evil general guy at the end. He was pretty much an a**hole, but did he have a right to have his child know about his existence?

We Are Marshall

  • Sports, Drama

Good story based on true events. Matthew McConaughey overacts. Matthew Fox is inspirational. Underrated Ian McShane proves there's life after Deadwood and demonstrates his solid talent. David Strathairn as President Dedmon is the tragic hero of this story. His courage allowed the Football program to continue and his reward was termination. Actually, McConaughey was somewhat annoying in this movie, it was like he was trying too hard to be the character. It is an inspirational film though, and a story worth telling. I don't know if I will watch it more than once, but I can definitively recommend it to others.