PS3 Couch Mode COOP Campaign

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Sony Playstation 3 Games that support a specific type of CO-OP game play. The term COOP (co-op) for cooperative play is a nonspecific term which can describe online play, LAN play, split screen play, and variations which may even require having to register your box on the play station network.

Couch Co-op refers to split screen play, where two or more individuals can sit on the same television, using the same play station box, and having two or more controllers, participate in the same game. Some games use two or more players in a display mechanism other than split-screen and still classify as Couch Co-op. However, even the term "Couch Co-op" is not specific enough. Some games only allow for limited game play or completely alternative missions in split screen co-op mode.

Campaign mode is a term for the description of the main storyline playthough in most modern video games. The campaign, or storyline, is the primary way most games are played by a single player.

In order for a game to be truly Couch Co-op Campaign it has to meet the following criteria:

  • Support for 2 or more players on the same monitor and game unit, which typically is split screen
  • Allows 2 or more players to experience the same storyline or game type as a single player
  • Does not require a network or Internet connection
  • Does not require play station network
  • Does not require multiple game consoles or game discs

True Couch Co-op Campaign games for the Play Station 3 are few. The feature combination is not specified in a clear way on most game descriptions.

List of Known Couch Co-op PS3 Games

True Campaign Mode Couch Co-op

  • Army of Two - designed for 2 player
  • Call of Duty: World at War - limitation, cannot save progress
  • F.E.A.R. 3 - designed for 2 player
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • Little Big Planet
  • Resident Evil 5 - designed for 2 player
  • Resistance Fall of Man - refers to both players as the same person
  • Resistance 3
  • Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heros
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

Side or Alternate Mission Only

  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - melee only
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Madden NFL 11 - you can play an opponent in a full game
  • Need for Speed Pro Street - you can race a friend split screen
  • Resistance 2 - has extended 2 player missions that are pretty good
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - limited defend HQ missions
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - the 2 player mode is broken and incomplete.

Other Sources of Information

A web site called Co-Optimus discusses Couch Co-op for games including XBox and Playstation. Sometimes the information on the site is somewhat misleading, and not all games are listed, however, it is the best online resource on the subject as of this writing.