
RTSP Streaming Radio Address Hacking

698 bytes added, 22:29, 27 December 2007
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== Case Example ==== Case Example #1 ==== RTSP ===== RTSP === == CASE EXAMPLE #2 ==In this example RTSP does not appear in the tcp stream.  Using Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) we analyze the interface traffic.  Be sure to start the capture prior to clicking the link on the radio station web site that starts the audio.[[Image:caseexample20000001.png]]It's just a matter of following the TCP Stream and looking for the URI of the media resource.  In this case we are simply viewing the HTML within the packet and locating the URI.  This is convenient when the "view source" option is disabled in the web browser by the site developer.  They don't want you to know the direct URI, because they don't want you to bypass their advertisements.
Bureaucrat, administrator