Restaurant Swinging Doors

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Swinging doors are mounted with spring loaded hinges that hold the door securely in place but allow persons to pass through the doorway by simply pushing the door open. After the individual passes through the doorway, the swinging door or doors returns to a closed position automatically. Swinging doors are designed as both full sized doors that completely fill the doorway or as smaller doors that cover only a middle portion of the passage. Saloon doors are an example of swinging doors that generally are not full sized. The saloon door helps to separate two specific areas while still allowing some degree of visibility between the connected areas. Full-sized swinging doors are often employed in restaurants as a way to separate the dining room from the kitchen. Using doors of this type help to block the kitchen sounds from entering the dining room and insulate from temperature changes.

When calculating the door size for your opening you do not want to measure the doors being replaced. The doorway itself should be measured and most companies ask for those dimensions in inches.

Some companies will ask for 6 total measurements as shown in the illustration above. These doors are made on order and will be custom fitted to your doorway opening - even if not perfectly square.

Most typical construction materials:

  • aluminum
  • stainless steel

Some wood doors are available but typically framed in metal. Most of the doors using wood in the construction are wood core, however, the doors are available in solid metal as well. Some doors are designed to dampen sound, insulate, while others are simply to fill the entry way for visual purposes; separate the customer from the kitchen.

Companies offer optional color finishes, stainless steel or ABS impact plates, cane bolts, locking collars, and stainless steel hinges and guards are available. Doors should be equipped with hinges that allow door to swing both ways.

Some popular brands:

  • Service-Pro by Curtron
  • Eliason

Typical pricing on swinging style restaurant doors: $355.71 - $769.38


Service-Pro Swinging Doors by Curtron

Available with 8 different surface finishes and 4 specialty options, Service-Pro Swinging Doors include 2 series of Impact Doors designed to separate customers from sights, sounds, and heat of busy kitchens. Finishes include anodized aluminum, stainless steel, wood laminates, and solid color laminates. Impact kick plates are optional.


Eliason Brand Swinging Doors

Restaurant owners, architects and specification writers choose this series for its durability and beauty. The SCG and HCG models are ideal for use in walk-in coolers with a temperature differential of 10-30 degrees. The FCG and HFG series with foam insulation are used in areas with a temperature differential 25 to 50 degrees.