Steam for Linux

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For Linux Mint the Steam install is done in "mintinstall" the Linux Mint Software Manager

  • MENU -> Administration -> Software Manager


to view terminal output from Steam for debugging purposes, close steam and launch from terminal like this:

steam steam://run/570

You can view dump logs

cat /tmp/dumps/*.txt

Game launches and immediately terminates without message

This happens to some games, such as Borderlands 2, and may be caused by the splash screen video or startup movies.

  1. On Steam Library, right click on "Borderlands 2" and select "Properties".
  2. A new window will open, on the "General" tab click on "Setup Launch options" (or something like that)
  3. The popup should say that those options are only for advanced users, write or copy "-nostartupmovies" (without the " ") and save.

Disable Big Picture Mode

make it read only

cd ~/.local/share/Steam/bin
chmod 000 panorama
cd panorama
chmod 000 * -R