Talk:Internet Transfer Control in VB6

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 i '  Here's the code for frmFTP
 Option Explicit
 Private msCurrentFile As String
 Friend Sub FTPFile(ByVal sFTPServer As String, _
                    ByVal sFTPCommand As String, _
                    ByVal sFTPUser As String, _
                    ByVal sFTPPwd As String, _
                    ByVal sFTPSrcFileName As String, _
                    ByVal sFTPTgtFileName As String)
  Dim oFS As Scripting.FileSystemObject
  Dim sURL As String
  On Error GoTo FTPFileExit
  Me.HRG True
  msCurrentFile = ""
  Set oFS = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
     sURL = "ftp://" & sFTPServer
     Inet1.Protocol = icFTP
     Inet1.RequestTimeout = 60
     Inet1.RemotePort = 21
     Inet1.AccessType = icDirect
     Inet1.URL = sURL
     Inet1.UserName = sFTPUser
     Inet1.Password = sFTPPwd
    Select Case sFTPCommand
           Case "PUT"
                 msCurrentFile = sFTPSrcFileName
                 If oFS.FileExists(sFTPSrcFileName) = False Then GoTo FTPFileExit
                 Inet1.Execute sURL, sFTPCommand & Space(1) & sFTPSrcFileName & " " & sFTPTgtFileName
           Case "GET"
                 msCurrentFile = sFTPTgtFileName
                 If oFS.FileExists(sFTPTgtFileName) = True Then 
                    oFS.DeleteFile sFTPTgtFileName, True
                 end if
                 Inet1.Execute sURL, sFTPCommand & Space(1) & sFTPSrcFileName & " " & sFTPTgtFileName
     End Select
     Inet1.Execute sURL, "quit"
   Set oFS = Nothing
   HRG False
 End Sub
 Friend Sub WaitForResponse()
   Dim fWait As Boolean
   On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   fWait = True
   Do Until fWait = False
         fWait = Inet1.StillExecuting
 End Sub
 Private Sub Inet1_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
     On Error Resume Next
     Select Case State
            Case icNone
            Case icResolvingHost:      Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Resolving Host"
            Case icHostResolved:       Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Host Resolved"
            Case icConnecting:         Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Connecting..."
            Case icConnected:          Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Connected"
            Case icResponseReceived:   Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Transferring File..."
            Case icDisconnecting:             Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Disconnecting..."
            Case icDisconnected:              Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Disconnected"
            Case icError:  MsgBox "Error:" & Inet1.ResponseCode & " " & Inet1.ResponseInfo
            Case icResponseCompleted:  Me.lblRESPONSE.Caption = "Process Complete."
      End Select
 End Sub
 Friend Sub HRG(fShowHourGlass As Boolean)
    If fShowHourGlass = True Then
       Screen.MousePointer = 11
       Screen.MousePointer = 0
    End If
 End Sub
 Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
   Set frmFTP = Nothing
 End Sub
    ' Here's the code for FTPMain.bas
    ' Remember to set your project start up to Sub Main()
       Public Sub Main()
             Load frmFTP
             frmFTP.FTPFile "my ip address", "PUT", "myuser", "mypwd", "C:\temp\test.txt", "test.txt"
             frmFTP.FTPFile "my ip address", "GET", "myuser", "mypwd", "test.txt", "c:\temp\test2.txt"
             Unload frmFTP
        End Sub
Last modified on 7 February 2008, at 08:36