
Talk:Warning About

16 bytes added, 22:03, 21 April 2011
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
Furthermore there is the abuse of BugMeNot. The site was set up to bypass mandatory registration on sites that make you sign up to view content. You do not need an account to view any of the content or download any of the required software. Registration is not mandatory on WiiHacks unless you want to join in discussions. BugMeNot was not set up as a troll haven and WiiHacks falls under the same protection as Wikis like this and Wikipedia.Furthermore there is the abuse of BugMeNot. The site was set up to bypass mandatory registration on sites that make you sign up to view content. You do not need an account at WiiHacks to view any of the content or download any of the required software. Registration is not mandatory on WiiHacks unless you want to join in discussions. BugMeNot was not set up as a troll haven and WiiHacks falls under the same protection as Wikis like this and Wikipedia.It says there is a pending investigation but nobody has contacted WiiHacks nor given them a chance for rebuttal. Just a bunch of posted slander. If you are actually interested in clearing this up an attempt to contact the staff would be nice rather than the slanderous conspiracy theory posted here.It says there is a pending investigation but nobody has contacted WiiHacks nor has given them a chance for rebuttal. Just a bunch of posted slander. If you are actually interested in clearing this up an attempt to contact the staff would be nice rather than the slanderous conspiracy theory posted here.