Tytera TH-9000D

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Please note, part of this page is missing. However, operation is the same as TYT TH-9000D 1.25M Transceiver

200 Alphanumeric Channels, Full Keypad Microphone. Cool-Blue Display Backlight. Includes mounting bracket & fused power Cable. Features 3 Selectable Power levels, DTMF, Keypad lock, Scan modes & more

front panel controls:

     short press                                 long press
------------------------------                   ------------------------------
[F ] select memory channel for save
[P1]                                             clone
[P2] open squelch "monitor"                      display operating voltage toggle
[x ] power
[P3] VFO/memory                                  scan
[P4] tune step                                   offset -,+,none, and freq
[P5] tone squelch (disable, tone, tsql, dcs)     chan memory ?

hand mic:

  • adjust transmit power: press [FUNC] then [0] to toggle though three transmit power levels.

basic usage


Short press P3 to switch between VFO and Memory channel.

On the mic you can press the VFO button on the upper right.


Short press P5 to cycle though various tone, tone squelch, etc...

repeater offset

To turn on or off repeater offset push and hold P4

  • push and hold down once - offset frequency. typically this is 1.600 for 1.25 repeaters
  • push and hold down again - changes + or - offset shift

program channel

Select a VFO frequency
