Update Rogero PS3 Custom Firmware

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Rogero (pseudonym) is a well known Playstation 3 (PS3) developer that offers, free of charge, a CFW (Custom Firmware) having the same name. The Regero firmware is used on the PS3 after jailbreak.

To jailbreak the PS3 is a process by which a system bug is exploited allowing a level of access to the subsystem which makes it possible to replace the authorized factory firmware with a customized firmware created by the hacker community. Advantages to running a custom firmware amount to increased capability, backup ability, and control over the system beyond what Sony would otherwise allow. One particular benefit is the ability to install an entire game from the Bluray so that disc insertion is no longer required to play a game. This way those precious and expensive game discs can be stored away safely, preventing scratches and damage, while all your games are accessible directly from the system drive or an attached USB storage device.

It is very easy to jailbreak your PlayStation 3 if you have not used the system update to advance to a version higher than OFW 3.55. You do not need to buy any special devices to jailbreak your PlayStation, or pay for any special software. Everything you need is free to download. Also have ready a USB Flash Drive and PC, those you may buy or barrow.

There are different Custom Firmware (CFW) available. Rogero is a very popular CFW and is completely free. Rebug is also very popular. Last we knew, Kmeaw firmware is no longer being developed. Many feel that a CFW is a better option as opposed to an Optical Drive Emulator. Our guide focuses on applying the Rogero CFW.

If you have a PlayStation 3 with a firmware version newer/higher than 3.55 it is still possible to jailbreak it, but it is a lot more involved and does require the purchase of hardware. To Update Rogero PS3 Custom Firmware on a PS3 with factory firmware 3.55 or older, and for a PS3 that is already running Rogero custom firmware, the process is straightforward and noninvasive.

This guide covers, specifically, the process of upgrading a PS3 that has already jailbreak applied, and is using the Rogero custom firmware. The guide can also be followed for the purpose of applying jailbreak to a PS3 that still has official factory firmware 3.55 or older. Although the example in this guide demonstrates updating Rogero version 4.31 to Rogero 4.46, it can be generally applied to updating the Rogero of nearly any version to the latest release.

Update Rogero 4.31 to Rogero 4.46

Rogero version 4.31 is actually 4.30 v 2.05. Before you begin, you will need a USB Flash drive with sufficient space, (512MB or larger), a PC, a mini USB cable which is miniUSB on one end and USB on the other, a PS3 controller, and the file Rogero_Multiman_4.5_CEX.zip which you will have to procure yourself. The custom firmware is not provided here. Be careful, there are fakes out there that will brick your PS3. Furthermore, if the download is corrupted you will also be in trouble. You need to verify the contents by the MD5 checksum.

Follow these steps that have been verified to work.

Install Rogero

  1. Obtain the file 'Rogero_Multiman_4.5_CEX.zip'
  2. Obtain a USB flash drive and insert it into a PC. Format the flash drive FAT32.
  3. Create folders on the flash drive, first folder named PS3 and within that a folder named UPDATE. ( \PS3\UPDATE ).
  4. Open the 'Rogero_Multiman_4.5_CEX.zip' and extract the contents, including the most critical .PUP file.
  5. Verify the .PUP file MD5 checksum is '3F94515E1B6E3C0CE546A30F229EEFF6' specifically for this version.
  6. Rename that .PUP file to PS3UPDAT.PUP (which is an 8 character file name).
  7. Copy PS3UPDAT.PUP to the UPDATE folder on the USB flash drive. ( \PS3\UPDATE )
  8. Copy the file 'multiMAN ver 04.55.00 BASE CEX (20140208).pkg' which was also in the zip you downloaded, to the root of the USB flash drive.
  9. Dismount the USB drive and remove from the PC
  10. Connect the USB cord to the left USB port on the front of the PS3 and to the PS3 controller.
  11. Connect the USB flash drive to the right USB port on the front of the PS3. It doesn't matter if the PS3 is turned on.
  12. On the PS3 system menu go to SETTINGS, SYSTEM UPDATE, and choose 'Update VIA storage media'.
  13. Accept the "terms and conditions" and check the option '[x] Turn off system automatically after update.' After you start the process the PS3 will reboot and begin updating. Do not turn off during the update or disturb the process. Be patient. When it has completed the update the PS3 will turn off.
  14. Disconnect the USB flash drive and turn on the PS3.
  15. On the PS3 menu go to: SETTINGS, SYSTEM SETTINGS, SYSTEM INFORMATION, and look for the version number to confirm the update.

Install Multiman

  1. Plug the USB flash drive back into the right USB port on the PS3
  2. Go to the 'Game" section of the PS3 system menu and choose 'Install package files."
  3. Choose the Multiman file 'multiMAN ver 04.55.00 BASE CEX (20140208).pkg' and install.
  4. No reboot is necessary. Go to the Game menu and start Multiman.
  5. Accept the Terms and Conditions.


Acronyms and terms used in the PlayStation world.

  • CellOS - The Playstation Operating System (OS)
  • XMB - XrossMediaBar, the Playstation desktop menu system (XrossMediaBar)
  • OFW - Official Firmware, updates to the CellOS operating system issued by Sony
  • CFW - Custom Firmware, like Rogero, what you install when you jailbreak your Playstation
  • PUP - Playstation Update Package, contain the files used to update a PSP or PS3 system (PlayStation Update Package)
  • CEX - A retail PS3 console
  • DEX - A developers PS3 console. It is possible to convert a CEX console to DEX by modification of the flash memory contents. Installing CFW on a CEX doesn't make it a DEX.
  • ODE - Optical Drive Emulator, such as Cobra ODE. ODE is an alternative to CFW.