Windows 7 Updates to Avoid

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KB2505438: Although Microsoft claims to fix performance issues, it often breaks fonts.
KB2670838: The EVIL Update, breaks AERO on Windows 7 and makes some fonts on websites fuzzy, Windows 7 specific update only (Do not install IE10 or 11, otherwise it will be bundled with them. IE9 is the max version you should install - and who uses IE, honestly?).
KB2882822: Very fishy update that just popped up with not enough detail about it
KB2902907: Microsoft Security Essentials.
KB2952664: "Get Windows 10" Assistant.
KB2976978: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8.
KB2976987: Telemetry.
KB2977759: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 7.
KB2990214: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 7.
KB3012973: Force Trigger Download and Install of Windows 10.
KB3015249: Adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 7 & Windows 8.
KB3021917: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation and Telemetry.
KB3022345: Telemetry.
KB3035583: GWX Update installs the "Get Windows 10" app in Windows 7 & 8.
KB3042058: Microsoft claims its a security update but it contains WinLogOn Spying.
KB3044374: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3050265: Windows Update Client for Windows 7. Since June 2015 the Windows Update Service updated to accept upgrade to W10 and other fixes.
KB3050267: Windows 10 upgrade preparation but also adds the option in GPEDIT to disable Windows 10 upgrade altogether so you may want to actually install this - I did not.
KB3064683: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3065987: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7.
KB3065988: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3068707: Customer experience telemetry points
KB3068708: Telemetry
KB3072318: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8.
KB3074677: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation.
KB3075249: Telemetry.
KB3075851: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7
KB3075853: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3080149: Telemetry.
KB3081437: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation.
KB3081454: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation.
KB3081954: Telemetry Update for Windows 7.
KB3083324: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 7.
KB3083325: Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8.
KB3083710: Update for the Windows Update client with sketchy details for Windows 7, see this thread.
KB3083711: Update for the Windows Update client with sketchy details for Windows 8.
KB3086255: Flagged as an Important update. It disables SafeDisc games in Windows Vista, 7, and 8/8.1.
KB3088195: Microsoft claims it's a security update but also has a key logger on the Kernel Level.
KB3090045: Windows 10 Upgrade Update for Windows 7/8.
KB3093983: Microsoft claims it's a security update but it contains IE spying.
KB3102810: Fixes an issue regarding long wait while searching for Windows Updates but also has Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 7.
KB3102812: Fixes an issue regarding long wait while searching for Windows Updates but also has Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8.
KB3107998: Removes Lenovo USB Blocker.
KB3112336: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3112343: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7.
KB3118401: Allows Windows 10 dependent Universal Runtime apps to run on earlier versions of Windows.
KB3123862: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7 & 8.
KB3135445: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7.
KB3135449: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 8.
KB3138612: Fishy update for Windows Updates.
KB3138615: Security update for IE11 which adds Windows 10 preparation.
KB3139929: Fishy update for Windows 7/8 to Windows 10 Upgrade and a Security update for IE11 which adds Windows 10 preparation.
KB3146449: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7/8.
KB3148198: Cumulative update for IE11. Includes previous Windows 10 preparation.
KB3150513: Windows 10 Upgrade for Windows 7/8.
KB454826: Slow performance in applications that use the DirectWrite API on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 = It often breaks fonts.
KB971033: Description of the update for Windows Activation Technologies.

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