Wireless CCTV Camera Jamming

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Analog wireless is found in three frequencies: 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz. As of 2016 the majority of wireless security cameras operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency. Whether analog or digital, most commercially available electronic devices that broadcast do so in either the 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz ranges. 900 MHz and 1.2 GHz were common at one time, but have both been nearly completely phased out of use.

  • Wireless cameras are not necessarily WiFi cameras
  • A WiFi camera is a type of wireless camera

WiFi cameras are wireless IP cameras meaning that they have an IP address so that they can be accessed by computer or device over a computer network.


Smartphones Can Detect many types of Hidden Surveillance Cameras. The Android app called "Hidden Camera Detector" can be used. It detects radio fields or radiation detection. The detector software will display a red glow when the smartphone is in the proximity of a camera. However, it will also glow when near other types of hardware, so keep an eye on the number displayed in the middle of the screen, as this will exceed 100 when a camera is detected.

  • Detects magnetic fields. Will not report what frequency the camera is using.

For visual detection (maybe looking for LED light source for night vision cameras?)

If you have access to an infrared camera, for instance, this should detect a hidden camera.

Interference / Disable

  • Jam the radio frequency
  • Use a laser to blind the camera

Radio Jamming