Working Around TrustedInstaller

Take back ownership of your file or folder

  1. Locate the folder or file you want to take ownership of, right-click it, and select PROPERTIES.
  2. Click the SECURITY tab in the properties window
  3. Click the ADVANCED button near the bottom of the properties window
  4. Click the OWNER tab of the Advanced Security Settings window
  5. Click the EDIT button near the bottom of the window

Here you can see the current owner and select the new owner you wish to set. You may set the Administrators account or your account as the owner and click APPLY. Exit clear out of all the security dialogs before going back in to set permissions!

REMEMBER: you will still have to set the permissions for the new owner using the permissions check boxes!

  1. On the same folder or file, right-click it, and select PROPERTIES.
  2. Click the SECURITY tab in the properties window
  3. This time click the EDIT button in the middle next to the text: To change permissions, click Edit.
  4. In the Group or user names list click the one that you gave ownership to.
  5. Click the FULL CONTROL checkbox in the permissions list below.
  6. Click APPLY

When you first enter the Permissions dialog the SYSTEM account will be highlighted. It is important that you select the account that you granted ownership of the file too before clicking any of the checkboxes otherwise you will be modifying the permissions on the SYSTEM account rather than the account you desire!

Last modified on 4 October 2016, at 14:50