Plextor PX-810SA DVD Driver Error in Windows Vista

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Windows Vista


My Plextor DVDr drive does not work. The driver is installed and shows under Device Manager with a yellow exclaim indicating a problem. The Plextor DVD drive is not usable and no drive letter is visible under My Computer in Windows Vista.


The problem is with Windows Vista and is caused by a glitch in Vista activated by entries placed into the registry by DVD/CD burning software. In the registry a couple keys called filters are generally placed there by burning software such as Nero. The two keys labeled filters should be removed. The burning software will still function without them.


First click on "Start" then "Run". Type "Regedit" and click "OK". You will be taken into your system Registry. The proceed to got to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Once there, on the right hand side you will see "Upper Filters" and "Lower Filters". Delete These and reboot your system. Once rebooted, you'll see that your burners have returned. These filters are generally placed there by your burning software such as Nero or whatever you use. The software will still function without the filters.
