User talk:AssaCom

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In the press center of St. Petersburg branch of ITAR-TASS there was another meeting of the adherents of the working bodies of 2-second international forum "Security of motor ensembles and specialized exhibition" TransPortBezopasnost-2009 "will be held in the northern koie stolitse17-19 June.

At the meeting disputirovalsya course on preparing and holding the forum and exhibition. At the meeting disputirovalsya course on preparing and holding the forum and exhibition.

The press conference was part Oleg White, director of the university motor tasks of Sciences, Yury Chizhkov, deputy executive director of the Association of the financial cooperation of the subjects of North-West Russia, Alexander Trushkin, adept associations of domestic freight forwarders in the Northwest habitat, Michael Pimonenko, director of Northwestern's Center trucking logistics Aylot "Vitaly Smorodin Director exhibition association" SIVEL.

The press conference that, in fact the Northwest habitat, and the Leningrad Region are weighty links of road infrastructure Russian Federation, leaders in the number and value of working here port groups, the volume of transit cargo in the country.

In real time participation in the forum and the exhibition proved 60 institutions.

Details on the website

The RZD-Partner is considered to be media sponsor events.

Just about the exhibition "TransPortBezopasnost-2009"

On December 1, waterways of St. Petersburg will be permanently closed to traffic. As reported SeaNews the Committee on City Improvement and Roads Maintenance City (KBDH), tonight will be the last in this year's layout Troitsky Bridge.

The event will be technical in nature. The bridge will be diluted from 1:35 until 4:50 at night. More Neva bridges in the current year, more divorce will not.

In accordance with the Regulations permits courts in wiring the St. Petersburg bridges navigation season ends for the bridges on the Neva and Malaya Neva ends November 30.