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'''4DTV''' - digital TVRO communications satellite receiver manufactured by Motorola.  4DTV is essentially synonymous with signals that use the DigiCipher 2 standard of signal encryption and compression (which is also owned by Motorola); though the receivers are also capable of handling analog channels.  NPS is the primary provider of subscription programming to 4DTV and C-Band/Ku-Band customers.
== 4DTV ==
digital TVRO communications satellite receiver manufactured by Motorola.  4DTV is essentially synonymous with signals that use the DigiCipher 2 standard of signal encryption and compression (which is also owned by Motorola); though the receivers are also capable of handling analog channels.  NPS is the primary provider of subscription programming to 4DTV and C-Band/Ku-Band customers.
'''Antenna''' - Satellite Dish
== Antenna ==
Satellite Dish
'''Autoroll/Key Autoroll''' - The reciever automatically updates the IDEA KEYS when the provider changes them so you don't have to enter them with your remote control.
== Autoroll/Key Autoroll ==
The reciever automatically updates the IDEA KEYS when the provider changes them so you don't have to enter them with your remote control.
'''Azimuth''' - The Left/Right positioning of the satellite dish
== Azimuth ==
The Left/Right positioning of the satellite dish
'''Back Haul''' - Live Feed / Up link feed (E.G. Sporting events, News , Etc.) (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!.)
== Back Haul ==
Live Feed / Up link feed (E.G. Sporting events, News , Etc.) (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!.)
'''BB''' - Blackbird
== BB ==
'''BIN ''' - A file in a BINary format suitable for flashing a ROM
== BIN ==
  A file in a BINary format suitable for flashing a ROM
'''Bird ''' - A satellite
== Bird ==
  A satellite
'''Bouquet''' - A group of channels
== Bouquet ==
A group of channels
'''BOX KEYS''' - Secret keys that are in each receiver's firmware that identify the particular reciever.
== BOX KEYS ==
Secret keys that are in each receiver's firmware that identify the particular reciever.
'''BOOTSTRAP''' - Code that allows the receiver to power up and access the programming on the TSOP.
Code that allows the receiver to power up and access the programming on the TSOP.
'''BSS''' - Broadcast Satellite Service. Also called DBS (Direct Broadcast Service). This is a satellite service that is uplinked for the specific purpose of reception directly by consumers. This includes XM/Sirius Radio, Direct TV, OffLimit, Off Limit, and Dish Network. Off limit, though a BSS service, actually operates in the FSS portion of Ku-Band.
== BSS ==
Broadcast Satellite Service. Also called DBS (Direct Broadcast Service). This is a satellite service that is uplinked for the specific purpose of reception directly by consumers. This includes XM/Sirius Radio, Direct TV, OffLimit, Off Limit, and Dish Network. Off limit, though a BSS service, actually operates in the FSS portion of Ku-Band.
'''BUD''' - Big Ugly Dish
== BUD ==
Big Ugly Dish
'''Cable on a stick''' - Another name for the small dish
== Cable on a stick ==
Another name for the small dish
'''CAM''' - Conditional Access Module. With Dish/Off limit receivers, it is built-in. With FTA receivers such as Dreambox, it is a removable unit. CAMs process the information from the smart card and allow the receiver to decrypt channel information.
== CAM ==
Conditional Access Module. With Dish/Off limit receivers, it is built-in. With FTA receivers such as Dreambox, it is a removable unit. CAMs process the information from the smart card and allow the receiver to decrypt channel information.
'''C-Band''' - 3700-4100 MHz (downlink) and 5925-6945 MHz (uplink) Frequency. Also the general name used for the big dish. Used mainly for commercial purposes: linking feeds to network affiliates and cable systems. Most of these are not intended for general use but you can subscribe to them and many of them are not encrypted.
== C-Band ==
3700-4100 MHz (downlink) and 5925-6945 MHz (uplink) Frequency. Also the general name used for the big dish. Used mainly for commercial purposes: linking feeds to network affiliates and cable systems. Most of these are not intended for general use but you can subscribe to them and many of them are not encrypted.
'''Charlie''' - Charlie Ergen, DISH Network CEO. Also known as Dish Network
== Charlie ==
Charlie Ergen, DISH Network CEO. Also known as Dish Network
'''CI Slot''' - Commmon Interface Slot, CAM is inserted in this
== CI Slot ==
Commmon Interface Slot, CAM is inserted in this
'''Clarke Belt ''' - Another name for the satellite belt. Named after it's discoverer, Arthur C. Clarke
== Clarke Belt ==
  Another name for the satellite belt. Named after it's discoverer, Arthur C. Clarke
'''Clean Feed''' - No commercials (Back hauls usually) E.G. Watch the Zambonie clean
== Clean Feed ==
No commercials (Back hauls usually) E.G. Watch the Zambonie clean
the ice.
the ice.
'''CLONING ''' - Changing the IRD number, box keys, bootstrap etc. in a receiver's TSOP to match another.
  Changing the IRD number, box keys, bootstrap etc. in a receiver's TSOP to match another.
'''Closed''' - Encrypted or Scrambled channel
== Closed ==
Encrypted or Scrambled channel
'''Composite Video''' - Phono (RCA) Video
== Composite Video ==
Phono (RCA) Video
'''Conditional Access''' - System in which access to a particular channel requires unit (box) information and channel tier information before decryption can take place. Used by Dish Net/Off limit receivers and CAM-equipped FTA receivers.
== Conditional Access ==
System in which access to a particular channel requires unit (box) information and channel tier information before decryption can take place. Used by Dish Net/Off limit receivers and CAM-equipped FTA receivers.
'''DAVE''' - Digital Audio Video Entertainment. Also known as DirecTV.
== DAVE ==
Digital Audio Video Entertainment. Also known as DirecTV.
'''DISH Network''' - Digital Information Sky Highway Network
== DISH Network ==
Digital Information Sky Highway Network
'''DBS''' - Digital Broadcast Satellite
== DBS ==
Digital Broadcast Satellite
'''Digicipher 2''' - Encryption system and video standard created by Motorola. Used by StarChoice, 4DTV, and Digicipher 2 free-to-air (not the same as MPEG2 FTA).
== Digicipher 2 ==
Encryption system and video standard created by Motorola. Used by StarChoice, 4DTV, and Digicipher 2 free-to-air (not the same as MPEG2 FTA).
'''Direction''' - Also called Azimuth
== Direction ==
Also called Azimuth
'''DiSEqC''' - Digital Satellite Equipment Control
== DiSEqC ==
Digital Satellite Equipment Control
'''DL Freq.''' - Delivery Frequency / Downlink Frequency
== DL Freq. ==
Delivery Frequency / Downlink Frequency
'''DSS''' - Digital Satellite System. Video standard used by Direct TV.
== DSS ==
Digital Satellite System. Video standard used by Direct TV.
'''DVB''' - Digital Video Broadcast. Video standard used by Dish Network, Off Limit, PowerVu, and MPEG2 free-to-air.
== DVB ==
Digital Video Broadcast. Video standard used by Dish Network, Off Limit, PowerVu, and MPEG2 free-to-air.
'''ECM''' - Electronic Counter Measure
== ECM ==
Electronic Counter Measure
'''Elevation''' - The Up/Down positioning of the satellite dish
== Elevation ==
The Up/Down positioning of the satellite dish
'''Encrypted''' - Digital Video and/or Audio have been encoded and require special keys or processes to make it visible.
== Encrypted ==
Digital Video and/or Audio have been encoded and require special keys or processes to make it visible.
'''EPG''' - Electronic Program Guide
== EPG ==
Electronic Program Guide
'''FIRMWARE''' - Software in the TSOP that allows the receiver to run.
Software in the TSOP that allows the receiver to run.
'''FLASHED ''' - Software program that reads the TSOP bin and makes changes in specific locations such as; the IRD number, Box Keys, Bootstrap etc.
  Software program that reads the TSOP bin and makes changes in specific locations such as; the IRD number, Box Keys, Bootstrap etc.
'''FSS''' - Fixed Satellite Service. Satellite service intended for commercial applications, such as transmitting feeds from an uplink facility to a downlink facility where it can then be processed for other uses. With few exceptions, FSS transmissions are usually not intended for consumers directly.
== FSS ==
Fixed Satellite Service. Satellite service intended for commercial applications, such as transmitting feeds from an uplink facility to a downlink facility where it can then be processed for other uses. With few exceptions, FSS transmissions are usually not intended for consumers directly.
'''FTA''' - Free To Air, Non-encrypted channel (digital)
== FTA ==
Free To Air, Non-encrypted channel (digital)
'''GHz''' - Abbreviation for GigaHertz
== GHz ==
Abbreviation for GigaHertz
'''IKS''' - Stands for Internet Key Sharing and is used by NFusion Nova FTA Receivers.  The Caveat is that you could potentially be traced by your IP address.  The server is located outside of US and decreases the likelyhood of someone being able to raid the server and obtain IP addresses.  If you are going to use an IKS receiver, go through a proxy if you are worried about being traced.
== IKS ==
Stands for Internet Key Sharing and is used by NFusion Nova FTA Receivers.  The Caveat is that you could potentially be traced by your IP address.  The server is located outside of US and decreases the likelyhood of someone being able to raid the server and obtain IP addresses.  If you are going to use an IKS receiver, go through a proxy if you are worried about being traced.
'''IRD''' - Integrated Receiver Decoder
== IRD ==
Integrated Receiver Decoder
'''IR''' - Infra-Red
== IR ==
'''ITC''' - In The Clear, Non-scrambled channel (analog)
== ITC ==
In The Clear, Non-scrambled channel (analog)
'''JKEYS''' - Software used to read a receiver's box keys
== JKEYS ==
Software used to read a receiver's box keys
'''JTAG''' - Joint Team Action Group. A device made of five resistors and a DB-25 connector that allows the receiver to communicate with a computer. (JTAG is used to read from or write to the receiver's TSOP)
== JTAG ==
Joint Team Action Group. A device made of five resistors and a DB-25 connector that allows the receiver to communicate with a computer. (JTAG is used to read from or write to the receiver's TSOP)
'''Ka-Band''' - stands for "kurz-above". Frequency 17.7-20.2 GHz (downlink). Will soon be the standard for broadband internet via satellite and may even become useful for DBS at some point in the future.
== Ka-Band ==
stands for "kurz-above". Frequency 17.7-20.2 GHz (downlink). Will soon be the standard for broadband internet via satellite and may even become useful for DBS at some point in the future.
'''Ku-Band (BSS)''' - 12.2-12.7 (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink). Used for Direct TV, Off Limit, and Dish Network. This portion of the Ku spectrum requires a circular LNB.
== Ku-Band (BSS) ==
12.2-12.7 (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink). Used for Direct TV, Off Limit, and Dish Network. This portion of the Ku spectrum requires a circular LNB.
'''Ku-Band (FSS)''' - stands for "kurz-under". The 10.7-12.2 GHz (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink) portion of the satellite frequency spectrum. In North America, this portion of the Ku spectrum requires a linear LNB.
== Ku-Band (FSS) ==
stands for "kurz-under". The 10.7-12.2 GHz (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink) portion of the satellite frequency spectrum. In North America, this portion of the Ku spectrum requires a linear LNB.
'''L-Band''' - 1000-1500 MHz satellite band. Most commonly used for Radionavigation (GPS) and weather satellite use.
== L-Band ==
1000-1500 MHz satellite band. Most commonly used for Radionavigation (GPS) and weather satellite use.
'''LNB''' - Low Noise Block converter
== LNB ==
Low Noise Block converter
'''LNBF - LNB Feedhorn''' - Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and many Ku (FSS) dishes use an LNBF, which integrates the antenna's feedhorn with the LNB. Small diplexers are often used to distribute the resulting IF signal (usually 950 to 1450MHz) "piggybacked" in the same cable TV wire that carries lower-frequency terrestrial television from an outdoor antenna. Another diplexer then separates the signals to the receiver of the TV set, and the IRD of the DBS set-top box.
== LNBF - LNB Feedhorn ==
Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and many Ku (FSS) dishes use an LNBF, which integrates the antenna's feedhorn with the LNB. Small diplexers are often used to distribute the resulting IF signal (usually 950 to 1450MHz) "piggybacked" in the same cable TV wire that carries lower-frequency terrestrial television from an outdoor antenna. Another diplexer then separates the signals to the receiver of the TV set, and the IRD of the DBS set-top box.
'''L.O. Frequency''' - Local Oscillator Frequency (C-band = 5150, Ku Linear = 10750, Ku Circular = 11250)
== L.O. Frequency ==
Local Oscillator Frequency (C-band = 5150, Ku Linear = 10750, Ku Circular = 11250)
'''LOOPED ''' - A card that has lost its ATR (Answer to Reset)
== LOOPED ==
  A card that has lost its ATR (Answer to Reset)
'''MCPC''' - Multi Channel Per Carrier
== MCPC ==
Multi Channel Per Carrier
'''MHz''' - Abbreviation for MegaHertz
== MHz ==
Abbreviation for MegaHertz
'''MPEG II''' - Moving Picture Experts Group II, A system for compression of digital data
== MPEG II ==
Moving Picture Experts Group II, A system for compression of digital data
'''MUX''' - A group of channels on same frequency
== MUX ==
A group of channels on same frequency
'''NAG''' - An on screen error message
== NAG ==
An on screen error message
'''NAGRA 1&2''' - Nagravision encryption (Dish Network )
== NAGRA 1&2 ==
Nagravision encryption (Dish Network )
'''NTSC''' - National Television Standards Committee. TV standard used in North America, Japan, and most of Latin America.
== NTSC ==
National Television Standards Committee. TV standard used in North America, Japan, and most of Latin America.
'''Open''' - In The Clear or Free To Air
== Open ==
In The Clear or Free To Air
'''Open Access''' - System in which access to a provider's entire network is accomplished by entering the public and parity keys. Used by the popular Fortec and Pansat receivers, as well as DVB-S cards.
== Open Access ==
System in which access to a provider's entire network is accomplished by entering the public and parity keys. Used by the popular Fortec and Pansat receivers, as well as DVB-S cards.
'''P4 & P5''' - Videoguard encryption (Direct TV, Sky Mexico systems)
== P4 & P5 ==
Videoguard encryption (Direct TV, Sky Mexico systems)
'''PAL''' - Phase Alternating Line. TV standard used in most parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and Australia.
== PAL ==
Phase Alternating Line. TV standard used in most parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and Australia.
'''P-Band''' - 200-1000 MHz satellite band used for amateur DXing and weather satellite use. 200 MHz is the lowest satellite frequency possible because frequencies lower than that bounce off the ionosphere.
== P-Band ==
200-1000 MHz satellite band used for amateur DXing and weather satellite use. 200 MHz is the lowest satellite frequency possible because frequencies lower than that bounce off the ionosphere.
'''PCR''' - Packet Clock Rate
== PCR ==
Packet Clock Rate
'''PID''' - Packet Identifier
== PID ==
Packet Identifier
'''Pizza Dish''' - Generic name for the small dish
== Pizza Dish ==
Generic name for the small dish
'''Polarization''' - The physical orientation of the waveform from the satellite. R/L are right and left 'circular' rotation similar to a corkscrew. H/V are horizontal/vertical similar to a fishing line cast either overhand or sidearm.
== Polarization ==
The physical orientation of the waveform from the satellite. R/L are right and left 'circular' rotation similar to a corkscrew. H/V are horizontal/vertical similar to a fishing line cast either overhand or sidearm.
'''Rain Fade''' - When rain or snow affect the satellite signal. Also called attenuation.
== Rain Fade ==
When rain or snow affect the satellite signal. Also called attenuation.
'''RF''' - Radio Frequency
== RF ==
Radio Frequency
'''S-Band''' - 2310-2690 MHz frequency. The 2310-2360 MHz portion is used for XM and Sirius Radio. The higher portion (2500-2690 MHz) is allocated for DBS television service; but due to the small size of the spectrum, it has not been used.
== S-Band ==
2310-2690 MHz frequency. The 2310-2360 MHz portion is used for XM and Sirius Radio. The higher portion (2500-2690 MHz) is allocated for DBS television service; but due to the small size of the spectrum, it has not been used.
'''SCPC''' - Single Channel Per Carrier
== SCPC ==
Single Channel Per Carrier
'''Scrambled''' - Analog video has been manipulated so that it is not intelligible.
== Scrambled ==
Analog video has been manipulated so that it is not intelligible.
'''SECAM''' - Another TV standard used primarily in France and Russia.
== SECAM ==
Another TV standard used primarily in France and Russia.
'''SKEW''' - Rotation (Clockwise / Anti-Clockwise) of the LNB or LNBF
== SKEW ==
Rotation (Clockwise / Anti-Clockwise) of the LNB or LNBF
'''Smart Card''' - A credit-card sized card with a microchip containing decryption information. A smart card is read by a CAM.
== Smart Card ==
A credit-card sized card with a microchip containing decryption information. A smart card is read by a CAM.
'''SOFTWARE FIX''' - A software upgrade that gets around a NAG or ECM
A software upgrade that gets around a NAG or ECM
'''Symbol Rate (SR)''' - Size of the digital package transmission
== Symbol Rate (SR) ==
Size of the digital package transmission
'''TP''' - Transponder
== TP ==
'''TP Autoroll''' - The reciever automatically updates the channels to the correct transponders when the provider moves channel around on the transponders.
== TP Autoroll ==
The reciever automatically updates the channels to the correct transponders when the provider moves channel around on the transponders.
'''TSOP''' - Thin Small Outline Package (The memory chip within the receiver, which contains the software to run it
== TSOP ==
Thin Small Outline Package (The memory chip within the receiver, which contains the software to run it
'''UHF''' - Ultra High Frequency
== UHF ==
Ultra High Frequency
'''V-Band''' - Frequency 47.2-275 GHz. V-band is actually a generic term for the several FSS bands that exist in that huge portion of the spectrum.
== V-Band ==
Frequency 47.2-275 GHz. V-band is actually a generic term for the several FSS bands that exist in that huge portion of the spectrum.
'''VC''' - Virtual Channel
== VC ==
Virtual Channel
'''VC II+''' - VideoCipher II + decoder
== VC II+ ==
VideoCipher II + decoder
'''Wild Feed''' - Show that is not yet scheduled to air. (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!) Also, you will probably see "dead Air." (black screen) This is where the TV stations insert thier local commercials
== Wild Feed ==
Show that is not yet scheduled to air. (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!) Also, you will probably see "dead Air." (black screen) This is where the TV stations insert thier local commercials
'''X-Band''' - 7250-7750 MHz (downlink) and 7900-8400 (uplink) frequency. Used for military purposes.
== X-Band ==
7250-7750 MHz (downlink) and 7900-8400 (uplink) frequency. Used for military purposes.

Revision as of 20:09, 25 January 2008


digital TVRO communications satellite receiver manufactured by Motorola. 4DTV is essentially synonymous with signals that use the DigiCipher 2 standard of signal encryption and compression (which is also owned by Motorola); though the receivers are also capable of handling analog channels. NPS is the primary provider of subscription programming to 4DTV and C-Band/Ku-Band customers.


Satellite Dish

Autoroll/Key Autoroll

The reciever automatically updates the IDEA KEYS when the provider changes them so you don't have to enter them with your remote control.


The Left/Right positioning of the satellite dish

Back Haul

Live Feed / Up link feed (E.G. Sporting events, News , Etc.) (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!.)




A file in a BINary format suitable for flashing a ROM


A satellite


A group of channels


Secret keys that are in each receiver's firmware that identify the particular reciever.


Code that allows the receiver to power up and access the programming on the TSOP.


Broadcast Satellite Service. Also called DBS (Direct Broadcast Service). This is a satellite service that is uplinked for the specific purpose of reception directly by consumers. This includes XM/Sirius Radio, Direct TV, OffLimit, Off Limit, and Dish Network. Off limit, though a BSS service, actually operates in the FSS portion of Ku-Band.


Big Ugly Dish

Cable on a stick

Another name for the small dish


Conditional Access Module. With Dish/Off limit receivers, it is built-in. With FTA receivers such as Dreambox, it is a removable unit. CAMs process the information from the smart card and allow the receiver to decrypt channel information.


3700-4100 MHz (downlink) and 5925-6945 MHz (uplink) Frequency. Also the general name used for the big dish. Used mainly for commercial purposes: linking feeds to network affiliates and cable systems. Most of these are not intended for general use but you can subscribe to them and many of them are not encrypted.


Charlie Ergen, DISH Network CEO. Also known as Dish Network

CI Slot

Commmon Interface Slot, CAM is inserted in this

Clarke Belt

Another name for the satellite belt. Named after it's discoverer, Arthur C. Clarke

Clean Feed

No commercials (Back hauls usually) E.G. Watch the Zambonie clean the ice.


Changing the IRD number, box keys, bootstrap etc. in a receiver's TSOP to match another.


Encrypted or Scrambled channel

Composite Video

Phono (RCA) Video

Conditional Access

System in which access to a particular channel requires unit (box) information and channel tier information before decryption can take place. Used by Dish Net/Off limit receivers and CAM-equipped FTA receivers.


Digital Audio Video Entertainment. Also known as DirecTV.

DISH Network

Digital Information Sky Highway Network


Digital Broadcast Satellite

Digicipher 2

Encryption system and video standard created by Motorola. Used by StarChoice, 4DTV, and Digicipher 2 free-to-air (not the same as MPEG2 FTA).


Also called Azimuth


Digital Satellite Equipment Control

DL Freq.

Delivery Frequency / Downlink Frequency


Digital Satellite System. Video standard used by Direct TV.


Digital Video Broadcast. Video standard used by Dish Network, Off Limit, PowerVu, and MPEG2 free-to-air.


Electronic Counter Measure


The Up/Down positioning of the satellite dish


Digital Video and/or Audio have been encoded and require special keys or processes to make it visible.


Electronic Program Guide


Software in the TSOP that allows the receiver to run.


Software program that reads the TSOP bin and makes changes in specific locations such as; the IRD number, Box Keys, Bootstrap etc.


Fixed Satellite Service. Satellite service intended for commercial applications, such as transmitting feeds from an uplink facility to a downlink facility where it can then be processed for other uses. With few exceptions, FSS transmissions are usually not intended for consumers directly.


Free To Air, Non-encrypted channel (digital)


Abbreviation for GigaHertz


Stands for Internet Key Sharing and is used by NFusion Nova FTA Receivers. The Caveat is that you could potentially be traced by your IP address. The server is located outside of US and decreases the likelyhood of someone being able to raid the server and obtain IP addresses. If you are going to use an IKS receiver, go through a proxy if you are worried about being traced.


Integrated Receiver Decoder




In The Clear, Non-scrambled channel (analog)


Software used to read a receiver's box keys


Joint Team Action Group. A device made of five resistors and a DB-25 connector that allows the receiver to communicate with a computer. (JTAG is used to read from or write to the receiver's TSOP)


stands for "kurz-above". Frequency 17.7-20.2 GHz (downlink). Will soon be the standard for broadband internet via satellite and may even become useful for DBS at some point in the future.

Ku-Band (BSS)

12.2-12.7 (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink). Used for Direct TV, Off Limit, and Dish Network. This portion of the Ku spectrum requires a circular LNB.

Ku-Band (FSS)

stands for "kurz-under". The 10.7-12.2 GHz (downlink) and 12.7-14.5 GHz (uplink) portion of the satellite frequency spectrum. In North America, this portion of the Ku spectrum requires a linear LNB.


1000-1500 MHz satellite band. Most commonly used for Radionavigation (GPS) and weather satellite use.


Low Noise Block converter

LNBF - LNB Feedhorn

Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and many Ku (FSS) dishes use an LNBF, which integrates the antenna's feedhorn with the LNB. Small diplexers are often used to distribute the resulting IF signal (usually 950 to 1450MHz) "piggybacked" in the same cable TV wire that carries lower-frequency terrestrial television from an outdoor antenna. Another diplexer then separates the signals to the receiver of the TV set, and the IRD of the DBS set-top box.

L.O. Frequency

Local Oscillator Frequency (C-band = 5150, Ku Linear = 10750, Ku Circular = 11250)


A card that has lost its ATR (Answer to Reset)


Multi Channel Per Carrier


Abbreviation for MegaHertz


Moving Picture Experts Group II, A system for compression of digital data


A group of channels on same frequency


An on screen error message


Nagravision encryption (Dish Network )


National Television Standards Committee. TV standard used in North America, Japan, and most of Latin America.


In The Clear or Free To Air

Open Access

System in which access to a provider's entire network is accomplished by entering the public and parity keys. Used by the popular Fortec and Pansat receivers, as well as DVB-S cards.

P4 & P5

Videoguard encryption (Direct TV, Sky Mexico systems)


Phase Alternating Line. TV standard used in most parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and Australia.


200-1000 MHz satellite band used for amateur DXing and weather satellite use. 200 MHz is the lowest satellite frequency possible because frequencies lower than that bounce off the ionosphere.


Packet Clock Rate


Packet Identifier

Pizza Dish

Generic name for the small dish


The physical orientation of the waveform from the satellite. R/L are right and left 'circular' rotation similar to a corkscrew. H/V are horizontal/vertical similar to a fishing line cast either overhand or sidearm.

Rain Fade

When rain or snow affect the satellite signal. Also called attenuation.


Radio Frequency


2310-2690 MHz frequency. The 2310-2360 MHz portion is used for XM and Sirius Radio. The higher portion (2500-2690 MHz) is allocated for DBS television service; but due to the small size of the spectrum, it has not been used.


Single Channel Per Carrier


Analog video has been manipulated so that it is not intelligible.


Another TV standard used primarily in France and Russia.


Rotation (Clockwise / Anti-Clockwise) of the LNB or LNBF

Smart Card

A credit-card sized card with a microchip containing decryption information. A smart card is read by a CAM.


A software upgrade that gets around a NAG or ECM

Symbol Rate (SR)

Size of the digital package transmission



TP Autoroll

The reciever automatically updates the channels to the correct transponders when the provider moves channel around on the transponders.


Thin Small Outline Package (The memory chip within the receiver, which contains the software to run it


Ultra High Frequency


Frequency 47.2-275 GHz. V-band is actually a generic term for the several FSS bands that exist in that huge portion of the spectrum.


Virtual Channel


VideoCipher II + decoder

Wild Feed

Show that is not yet scheduled to air. (Meant for station affiliates only.) Note: Never call trouble number on the screen it's for TV stations only! (If they know you can see it, they may move it!) Also, you will probably see "dead Air." (black screen) This is where the TV stations insert thier local commercials


7250-7750 MHz (downlink) and 7900-8400 (uplink) frequency. Used for military purposes.