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Latest revision as of 14:02, 17 October 2008

Script Example A


::Do a netstat without included name resolution;

::find connection on port 5631 (pcAnywhere).

netstat -a -n|findstr "5631" >A.txt 2>nul

::Parse the IP address out of the returned string.

for /f "tokens=4 delims=: " %%a in (A.txt) do call :GETNAMES %%a goto :cleanup


::Do nbtstat to the remote IP address, and parse out the ::<20> name, which is the NetBIOS name of the PCA Client. if %1== goto :EOF nbtstat -A %1|findstr "<20>" >>B.txt ::Errorlevel 1 is returned if the above findstr was unsuccessful; ::tell user and quit. IF errorlevel 1 (echo No PCA connection exists) & goto :CLEANUP ::NetBIOS creates <03> entries for username and machinename; ::get them with nbtstat to the remote machine and print out. for /f "tokens=1" %%a in (B.txt) do nbtstat -a %%a|findstr "<03>"


if exist A.txt del A.txt

if exist B.txt del B.txt
Last modified on 17 October 2008, at 14:02