Good Seller / Buyer Beware

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Verified experiences with sellers on various online mediums such as ebay,, Gunbroker, Firearms Dct, Auction Arms, and others. Includes bad eBay sellers.

Auction Miscellaneous


  • (F) bbmeansbiz on - Wyncote, Pennsylvania, United States - He misrepresents item condition, embellishment, separates electronics from necessary counterparts such as its hard to find power adapter in order to make more money; pigeonhole buyers into compulsory bidding on the missing part. "Sold me an antique radio without its special microphone, which he put in another auction at a ridiculous price!" (quote from buyer). Uses weakness in eBay system to maintain an artificially high feedback rating. He might part-out an item which should otherwise be sold as a single unit or would commonly be sold as a single unit in order to increase revenue at the expense of the buyer.
  • (D) micdave on - Wilder, Tennessee, United States - He misrepresents item condition, embellishment. Large surplus dealer more interested in selling items than answering eBay user questions. Does not disclose defects. Poor communication. On one occasion an error was pointed out to this seller which concerned a missing piece of an item for sale, micdave did not respond nor did the seller correct the error in the listing.
  • (F) ns7eart on eBay - Seguin, Texas, United States - Item sold but does not arrive to buyer. Actually this seller's feedback has enough warnings that not much more need be said.

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