Baofeng UV-B6
BAOFENG UV-B6 136-174/400-480Mhz MENU 27 with FM radio
- Dual band, Dual Display, Dual Standby
- Priority Channel Scanning
- Li-ion battery pack with high capacity
Retail: $40 - $60
The UV-B series receiver does not overload anywhere as easily as the UV-5R. The UV-B6 receiver is more sensitive and selective than other similar inexpensive Chinese radios. The UV-B5 has a rotary selector knob where the LED light is on top of the UV-B6, which is the primary distinction between the two models.
There are some trimmed down or missing features on this model compared to the UV-5R, such as fewer channel memories, smaller LCD display, and no 2.5kHz minimum frequency step.
Weird thing, I am able to enter 1.25-Meter band frequencies and transmit with my UV-B6. I discovered this by accident when I was experimenting. This may not be good for the radio, however, it is capable of doing it. It has been said that on this band the receiver is not as sensitive. It is also said that when transmitting in this band there will be harmonic noise generated on the 70cm band, which is likely why the radio was never certified as function on 1.25m.
Field program menu:
- STEP - frequency step in VFO (5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 20, 25 kHz)
- SQL - squelch level between 1 - 9
- SAVE - battery saver reduces xmit power when strong signal detected
- TXPR - transmit power low or high
- ROGE - roger beep should be off for ham repeater use
- TOT - transmission timeout
- VOX - voice activated transmit
- BEEP - keypress beep
- VOICE - voice prompt english, chinese, off
- TDR - Enable dual watch
- R-CODE - sets tone squelch frequency, offers no way to disable!
- T-CODE - sets transmit PL tone frequency, offers no way to disable!
- ABR - LCD brightness
- PTTID - transmit signal ID code
- ANI - automatic number ID of radio
- PTIDM - signal code mode
- DT-ST - audible DTMF tone
- MDF 1 - top displays frequency, channel, or name
- MDF 2 - bottom displays frequency, channel, or name
- BCL - busy channel transmit lockout
- SFTD - repeater shift + or -
- OFFSET - repeater offset
- SCRNM - scanning resumes based on timer, carrier, halts on signal
- REV - reverse frequency
- STE - eliminate squelch tail
- NAME - channel name
- W/N - wide or narrow band, 5 KHz or 2.5 KHz
save simplex channel to memory
This model programs channel different than the BF-F8HP/UV-5R because the channel memory is not accessed though the [MENU] button.
Enter and Save to channel
- key in desired frequency such as 442.400 for example
- Press and hold [VM/SCAN] until voice says MEMORY CHANNEL and/or channel number flashing
- Select desired channel number with up/down and press [AB/ENTER] to save to memory
NOTE: If channel number is blinking, that channel has been previously programmed and will be overridden.
repeater offset and CTCSS
In this example will enter a 70cm repeater with PL and +5Mhz offset.
offset + or -
- Enter the VFO Mode
- Set offset [MENU] and arrow to item 21 (SFTP)
- Press [AB/ENTER] use arrow to select + and press [AB/ENTER] and [MENU], [MENU] to save
offset amount
- Press [MENU] and arrow to item 22 (OFFSET)
- Press [AB/ENTER] then enter the offset
- Press [AB/ENTER] and [MENU], [MENU] to save
- Press [MENU] and arrow to item 12 (TCODE)
- Press [AB/ENTER] then enter the frequency in Hz
- Press [AB/ENTER] and [MENU], [MENU] to save
Enter and Save to channel
- key in desired frequency such as 442.400 for example
- Press and hold [VM/SCAN] until voice says MEMORY CHANNEL and/or channel number flashing
- Select desired channel number with up/down and press [AB/ENTER] to save to memory
NOTE: If channel number is blinking, that channel has been previously programmed and will be overridden.
Technical Support
Firmware Update
The firmware in these radios cannot be updated. The microcontroller is an OTP type. (One Time Programmable) Once 'flash' programmed at the factory, it cannot be changed.
CTCSS Squelch Stuck On in VFO Mode
The presence of the letters "CT" in the top of the display indicates CTCSS or "tone Squelch" is active. This is a toggle that cannot be found in the HT program menu.