2012 Tablet PC Buying Guide

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A cross between a notebook computer and a PDA.

A flat-panel portable computer accepting user input by taps on the screen with the finger or with a stylus, or a stylus to write on the screen. A tablet PC can wirelessly connect to the Internet and other computers. The term "tablet PC" originally referred to a specific brand or tablets that were compatible with certain operating systems, but any tablet-sized computer has come to be referred to in some instances as a tablet PC.

Probably the most widely known tablet "PC" on the market (reference to termonology / PC) is the iPad.

A device that bridges the gap between what PCs do and what mobile phones do.

Are eBook Readers Tablet PC examples?

E-book readers such as the Barnes and Noble Nookcolor and the Amazon Kindle Fire are seeking to compete with the tablet. The Nookcolor runs Android 2.1 but is optimized for reading and for apps that B&N chooses to offer.

Popular Tablets

  • Apple iPad
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab
  • Kno

Platforms / Operating Systems

  • Apple iOS
  • Google Android
  • HP webOS
  • Blackberry QNX
  • Microsoft Windows 7


Read Top 21 best tablet PC iPad alternatives.

Budget Tablet PC Specific Examples

Merchant product lists