Install Update Flash Plugin Ubuntu

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As "root" or using sudo (place the command 'sudo' before all commands below if not already root...

What flash plugin packages are already installed?

apt-cache pkgnames|grep -i flash

You might see "flashplugin-installer" in the list. flashplugin-installer installs the 32-bit version of Flash and a related compatibility library which may be slower and less stable, so it’s recommended to install the adobe-flashplugin package from canonial partners repository.

To enable the partners repositor open the sources.list file

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the partner repositories by removing the # in front of the following lines

deb precise partner

In this example we are using Ubuntu Precise (Precise Pangolin). If you're using another version simply replace "precise" with the correct string. Now Synchronize the package index files.

apt-get update

Now update to the latest version of flash

apt-get install adobe-flashplugin