Good Seller / Buyer Beware

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Verified experiences with sellers on various online mediums such as ebay,, Gunbroker, Firearms Dct, Auction Arms, and others.

Auction Miscellaneous


  • (F) bbmeansbiz on - Wyncote, Pennsylvania, United States - He misrepresents item condition, embellishment, separates electronics from necessary counterparts such as its hard to find power adapter in order to make more money; pigeonhole buyers into compulsory bidding on the missing part. "Sold me an antique radio without its special microphone, which he put in another action at a ridiculous price!" (quote from buyer). Uses weakness in eBay system to maintain an artificially high feedback rating. He might part-out an item which should otherwise be sold as a single unit or would commonly be sold as a single unit in order to increase revenue at the expense of the buyer.

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