Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net
B.A.R.C. - Bellevue Amateur Radio Club
chat script
Attention Stations, this is [callsign], net control for the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net. My name is [first name] and I will be your net control this evening. This net takes place on the W0WYV 147.39 repeater, requiring a PL tone of 131.8 Hz.
The purpose of this net is to practice our communication skills as they relate to procedures and conventions in amateur radio. It is also an opportunity for us to get to know other members of our local radio community. Please share your traffic and ham radio related announcements on events in the area including those from other clubs.
Although sponsored by the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club, this net is open to all ham operator checkins regardless of club affiliation. Anyone within range of this repeater that wishes to checkin may do so. This is a directed net, meaning all transmissions will be directed by net control.
When checking in, I would ask that you call "net control," and let the repeater drop, then continue with your name, callsign, and location. Please give all three, name, callsign, and location. Because this is FM, phonetics are not necessary unless specifically requested by net control. If you do not have traffic for the net, there is no need to state "no traffic."
At this time I will standby for mobile or portable stations. Any stations that are mobile, portable, or short time please call "net control," let the repeater drop, then continue with your name, callsign, and location. Announce if you have traffic for tonight’s net.
All stations please wait.
At this time I will acknowledge...
[recall checkins]
If I have any of those callsigns incorrect, please call "net control" now.
This is [callsign], net control station for the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net. At this time I will take checkins from any station. If you wish to checkin please call "net control," and let the repeater drop, then continue with your name, callsign and location.
All stations please wait.
At this time I will acknowledge...
[recall checkins]
This is [callsign], net control station for the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net. Please remember that there is both a Monday and Wednesday net on this repeater at 8:00pm Central Standard Time. On Wednesday is the Weekly Radio Scouting Net.
Also, please be advised that the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club meets monthly every third Thursday, 7:30pm, at the Masonic Lodge Bellevue, 1908 Franklin Street. Doors open at 7:00pm.
I will now go to operators with announced traffic for the net.
[process traffic]
That takes care of all listed traffic. At this time I will take another standby for any other stations that would like to checkin to the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net. Please checkin with your name, callsign, and location.
[recall checkins]
[process any additional traffic]
I would like to thank everyone that checked in to tonight’s Bellevue Amateur Radio Club Weekly Protocol Net. I would also like to thank the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club for the use of this repeater.
According to my record all traffic has been handled. Are there any exceptions?
This net is secured, this station is secured, and this repeater is now open for normal amateur use. This is [callsign].
Checkin Log
- 2/19/2018 14 [w0dbw], w0tvs, wd0bfo, w0wh, ad0zc, ky0z, wb0ome, w0pya, kd0qfe, ke0aep, kb0zzt, ke0qbh, kc0ykn, kb0rzl
- 2/26/2018 13 [w0dbw], kd0vub, wd0bfo, ky0z, ke0bxb, ad0zc, kd0nmd, w0pya, w0tvs, ke0qge, ke0ogf, kb0zzt, w0wh