File System + File I/O in VB6

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*must add 'reference' to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"

Write/Create a new file using FileSystemObject

 Dim fso As New FileSystemObject, fsoStream As TextStream
 Dim rec1, strLine, strFileSpec
 Dim cnt0 As Integer, tag1 As Integer
 strFileSpec = Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\My Documents\kaching.log"
 strLine = "kaching incident " & Date & " " & Format(time, "HH:mm:ss") & vbCrLf
 Set fsoStream = fso.CreateTextFile(strFileSpec, True)
 fsoStream.Write strLine
 Set fsoStream = Nothing: Set fso = Nothing


Check if File Exists

Private Function LocalFileExists() As Boolean
  Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
  Dim strSrc As String, strDst As String
  strSrc = Trim("" & strRemoteFileName)
  strDst = strLCRMpath & "\" & Trim("" & strRemoteFileName)
  If fso.FileExists(strDst) Then LocalFileExists = True Else LocalFileExists = False
End Function


Delete File

strDst = strLCRMpath & "\" & Trim("" & strRemoteFileName)
fso.DeleteFile strDst


Copy File (Backup File)

fso.CopyFile strFileSpec, Replace(strFileSpec, ".xml", ".bak")


Write if exists, create if doesn't exist using FileSystemObject

 If fso.FileExists(strFileSpec) Then
   Set fsoStream = fso.OpenTextFile(strFileSpec, 2)
   Set fsoStream = fso.CreateTextFile(strFileSpec, True)
 End If
 fsoStream.Write strLine
 Set fsoStream = Nothing: Set fso = Nothing
 ' strFileSpec, 1 : ForReading 2 : ForWriting  8 : ForAppending  


Launch Another Program (any) From Your VB Program

Private Sub launchSLXAssist()
  Dim intExecute%
  If InStr(LCase(Command), "/interpreter") > 0 Then
    MsgBox "Shell SLXAssist.exe"
    intExecute% = Shell("SLXAssist.exe /verified", 1)
  End If
End Sub


Check if Network Path and File are available

Private Sub checkFile01()
'   [step 1]: check to see if the network path and autoupdate.xml are available
  Dim fLen As Integer
  Dim strResponse%
  tmr.Enabled = False
  intbarProg = 0: barProg.Value = intbarProg

  On Error Resume Next
  fLen = Len(Dir$(xmlfilepath))
  strResponse% = vbRetry
  While strResponse% = vbRetry
    If Err Or fLen = 0 Then
    ' file dosent exist
      strResponse% = MsgBox("Error: XML inaccessible for auto-update!", vbAbortRetryIgnore, "SALESLOGIX ASSISTANT")
    ' file exists
      strResponse% = 0
    End If
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub