Talk:Cinnamon Desktop
From Free Knowledge Base- The DUCK Project: information for everyone
like this:
[MIME Cache] inode/directory=qiv-usercreated-0.desktop
in ~/.local/share/applications, and a qiv.desktop in the very same folder. For record, for my qiv, this gives me:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Sildeshow (random, recursive) Exec=qiv -Rrlfstmiu MimeType=image/jpeg Icon=exec NoDisplay=false
Another example:
[MIME Cache] inode/directory=lazyslideshow-usercreated-0.desktop;qiv-usercreated-0.desktop application/x-shellscript=sh-usercreated-0.desktop text/plain=leafpad-usercreated-0.desktop
.desktop files
lazyslideshow-usercreated-0.desktop qiv-usercreated-0.desktop
You can start by right clicking an item, then click Open with ..., and choose "Custom Command Line" (instead of the picking from the normal list). Here you have to add an "Application name". Now there will be a file in /home/pi/.local/share/applications