Network Connection Monitoring in Linux

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ss             list out all connections.
ss -t          tcp only.  
ss -u          udp only.
ss -x          unix only.
ss -a -A udp   report both "CONNECTED" and "LISTENING" sockets udp
ss -nt         tcp with hostnames not resolved.
ss -ltn        listening sockets only, tcp with hostnames not resolved.
ss -pnt        tcp with hostnames not resolved, associated process id's using connection. <- very useful
ss -s          summary statistics


netstat -natp  show active Internet connections
netstat -tupn

View established connections and associated programs

sudo netstat -atupen | grep ESTABLISHED
netstat -nputw

continuously updated

netstat -nputwc

show established connections on port 80, which is commonly used for HTTP traffic.

netstat -anp | grep ESTABLISHED | grep :80


tcpdump -X -i eth0

Say we want to capture packets from a specific host for analysis:

sudo tcpdump -i eno1 host


View established connections and associated programs type TCP only

sudo lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:ESTABLISHED

List open files and can help identify the processes associated with network connections; example will show processes that are using port 80 for network connections.

sudo lsof -i :80


To get information about your Ethernet interface, you can use:

ethtool eth0

Replace eth0 with your actual interface name.


iftop is a real-time console-based network bandwidth monitoring tool.

sudo iftop

iftop primarily displays a real-time, interactive view of network bandwidth usage. While it shows the hosts that your system is communicating with, it doesn't directly provide information about the specific software or process associated with each connection.


nethogs is a command-line utility for Linux systems that provides a real-time, per-process monitoring of network bandwidth consumption. It helps you identify which processes or applications on your system are using the network and how much bandwidth each process is consuming.

It breaks down network usage by individual processes, making it easy to identify which applications or services are responsible for network activity.

Run as priveledged user.

sudo nethogs