Movies of 2006 Review

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Employee of the Month


  • Comedy

Didn't expect much prior to watching this film but was actually somewhat amused. This one is worth sitting through at least once, and is good for a few laughs. Seeing Jessica Simpson as the attractive retail saleswoman held back in life due the physical anomaly of giant over sized ears may have made it worth while. Dane Cook was sharp and funny. Unfortunately, the ending predictable and the film ultimately formulamatic. The antagonist's character was well played and may remind you of someone you know in life. Watch this movie if you have nothing better to do, it might amuse you.



  • Comedy

Luke Wilson is a good solid actor, Maya Rudolph from SNL does well and good fit for her role. Scary reflection onto future although ridiculously exadurated, actually pinpoints key notes of ignorance, branding, and the offspring of the ipod generation. Very entertaining for the simple and for the more thoughtful audiences. It's a Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan combined with Airheads except everyone with meaning. Good fun!

Little Children


  • Drama

An absolute must see, completely offbeat, and highly artistic character drama. At first men watching the movie will think Kate Winslet looks plain, but soon realize she is beautiful. This just happens to be a feminist movie that could pop up on the Lifetime network someday, yet somehow is so good that any intelligent man will also become entranced with the storyline. Characters are complex and believable for the most part. Perhaps the least believable is Patrick Wilson's character, yet still possible, and reflect on the type of child in an adults body, someone that each of us knows in real life. Often underrated, Jennifer Connelly proves she can become more real than her character. The people are human, flawed, and as people in real life often disappoint, so do the main character's friends, family, and acquaintances. Underlying political and social commentary, subtle and easily digestible whether you're liberal or conservative. Not a movie for fans of Jurassic Park or individuals with a short attention span. This is a quality character drama that allows you to invest yourself in the characters. Meaningful literary references. Comparable to American Beauty yet far better, much more memorable. Surprise ending. Highly recommended.

The Marine


  • Action

Typical action movie formula, bullets flying everywhere but unable to find a target, explosions, and cars flying through the air. Robert Patrick is capable of great acting, yet continues to get cast in B movies like this.

Pan's Labyrinth


  • Foreign Film, Drama, Fantasy
  • Subtitles

This film was nothing like expected and much more than what seemed possible. Is the young girl a mythical princess of an underground kingdom or is it merely a mental escape from a horrific reality of war, a miserable mother, evil, and hopelessness. Evidence that others can see but only the girl is aware of the significance seems to suggest her fantasy is real. High artistic value. Subtitles. Fascinating and deeply real characters. This is a peek into the real Grimm's Fairy Tales. This is a movie that you will take with you after watching. You will continue to think about it again and again as you consider all of the film's meaning. Offbeat and beautiful. Characters make the film unforgettable.