List Directories Examples in Perl

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List Directories 1

# Derek Winterstien
# Tue May 24 09:16:19 CDT 2005 

$dirname = "/home";

opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
while (defined($file = readdir(DIR))) {
  if ( -d "$dirname/$file" ) {
      print "$dirname/$file is a directory\n";


List Directories 2

# Derek Winterstien
# Tue May 24 09:16:19 CDT 2005

$dirname = "/home";

opendir(DIR,$dirname) or die "Can't open the current directory: $!\n";

@names = readdir(DIR) or die "Unable to read current dir:$!\n";


foreach $file (@names) {
   next if ($file eq ".");   # skip the current directory entry
   next if ($file eq "..");  # skip the parent  directory entry

   if (-d "$dirname/$file"){            # is this a directory?
      print "found a directory: $file\n";
      next;                  # can skip to the next name in the for loop
   if ($file eq "core") {    # is this a file named "core"?
     print "found one!\n";
  print ".\n";

List Directories 3

$path=shift || ".";  # Get path from command line, or default to .

opendir (DIR, $path) or die "could not open directory";
@dirs = grep (!/^\.\.?$/ && (-d "$path/$_"), readdir(DIR));
close (DIR);

print "I found these dirs: @dirs\n";