Font Set 03
Windows programs install fonts in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder. The fonts in that folder are accessible by all Windows programs - including Broderbund programs. However, older versions of Print Shop and PrintMaster are designed to use ONLY *.ttf fonts . So, the only fonts that those Broderbund programs can access in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder are *.ttf fonts.
NOTE: Since both Print Shop 2.0 & 3.0 and PrintMaster 2.0, 2011 and 2012 do not access fonts from Broderbund's Core Fonts folder, the following information does not apply to those versions of Print Shop and Printmaster.
Older versions of Print Shop and PrintMaster install fonts in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Broderbund\Core Fonts folder. The fonts installed in that folder are accessible ONLY in Broderbund programs and are NOT accessible in other Windows programs.
Some newer versions of Print Shop and PrintMaster install shortcuts for some (but not all) Broderbund fonts in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder. When shortcuts for Broderbund fonts are installed in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder, those fonts will be accessible in all Windows programs.
For all other Broderbund fonts - which don't have a shortcut in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder - the most efficient way to use those fonts in other Windows programs would be to manually install those fonts in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
To install Broderbund fonts into the C:\Windows\Fonts folder, do this:
Bangle Broadview Carmine Cuckoo Dragon Emerald Isle Executive Expose Franciscan HandSCriptLefty Hobby Invitation Montague Poster Signature Vagabond WayOuttaThere