PXE Boot Server Configuration Using Linux
PXE is an acronym for Pre-Boot Execution Environment. To know what it does refer to the Pre-Boot Execution Environment page.
This document is a guide to configuration of a PXE boot server using Linux. It will be assumed that you already have an existing network with a Linux server that is responsible for assignment of DHCP addressing for your workstations. There are other guides to cover the configuration of a DHCP server.
You will need to install whatever packages are appropriate for your distribution to have PXE and TFTP.
Redhat / Trustix Guide
1. You need to obtain the RPM package for PXE and the RPM package for TFTP and install them on the server.
2. Activate TFTP in xinetd
- disable=yes to disable=no in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
- service xinetd restart
3. Get OS ready in the tftpboot directory
4. Put the pxe boot linux kernel in the tftpboot directory
5. Configure /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
6. Create default configuration /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
Debian / (K)Ubantu / Knoppix Guide