Talk:Recording Video With VLC

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Harry Potter SUCKS!

using the recording button

I have looked for (and seen that others have, too) a way to change the recording format when you press the recording button. I am quite a newby to vlc, I cannot tell how to, but anyway I found a possible error in this page and some interesting info. It appears that the info is not correct that the recording format for the button is MJPEG, it appears to be the native format of the stream. Maybe the author can check this.

In "Other notes" the author refers to the file VLCRC. In this file there is an entry (not active because starting with a "#") that appears to open the possibility to change this format. I would appreciate a discussion about how this could be done.

stream capture vs encoding

I was under the impression that the record feature made vlc reencode the video rather than just capture the stream. I have some different video formats. I can try to record from mp4 and from mpg1 and let you know.


capture not encode

while viewing mpg4 i hit the record button, and it directly stream captured mp4, and while viewing mpg1 i hit the record and vlc captured in mpg1. It is not encoding when you press the record button, it is capturing the stream. You are correct!


Please do not email me the comments. Post them here. -Admin