Kenwood TS-940SAT

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From Kenwood product propaganda:

Competition class HF transceiver

TS-940S-the standard of performance by which all other transceivers are judged. Pushing the state of the art in HF transceiver design and construction, no one has been able to match the TS-940S in performance, value and reliability. The product reviews glow with superlatives, and the field -proven performance shows that the TS-940S is "The Number One Rated HF Transceiver!"

  • 100% duty cycle transmitter.

Kenwood specifies transmit duty cycle time, The TS-940S is guaranteed to operate at full power output for periods exceeding one hour 1 14.250 MHz. CW, HO watts.) Perfect for RTTY SSTV and other long-duration modes.

  • Extremely stable phase locked loop (PLL) VFO, frequency accuracy is measured in parts per million!

External Resources

SM2YER Goran product manuals and technical schematics for the TS-940S/AT - I noted that the Service Manual PDF on his site is not a good PDF.

This unit has been out of production for many years. Get an idea of the used market prices by looking at these Kenwood TS-940SAT classified on Universal Radio Inc.

KENWOOD TS-940S/AT PLL Wax Woes: Almost everyone who owns a Kenwood TS-940, TS-440 and a few select other transceivers or even the R-5000 receiver will have heard, or experienced, the dreaded PLL wax potting curse.