70cm Ham Radio Band
From Free Knowledge Base- The DUCK Project: information for everyone
ARRL 70 Centimeter Band Plan
- 420.00-432.00 Amateur Television (ATV)
- 432.00-432.07 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth)
- 432.07-432.10 Weak-signal CW
- 432.10-432.30 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work CW/SSB Calling Frequency= 432.100 MHz
- 432.30-432.40 Propagation Beacons
- 432.40-433.00 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
- 433.00-435.00 Auxiliary/repeater links
- 435.00-438.00 OSCAR (satellite)
- 438.00-444.00 Amateur Television (ATV)
- 442.00-445.00 Repeater inputs and outputs (note overlap with preceeding ATV subband)
- 445.00-447.00 Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex National FM Simplex Frequency= 446.00 MHz
- 447.00-450.00 Repeater inputs and outputs