Quake 3 Arena
Quake III Arena is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by id Software company in 1999. Quake III Arena is the third game in the Quake series and differs from previous games by excluding a traditional single-player element. Quake III Arena is available on a number of platforms including Linux.
Installation on Linux
Go to the URL: chttps://ioquake3.org/get-it/
download the files...
Go to the URL: https://ioquake3.org/extras/patch-data/
download the file: quake3-latest-pk3s.zip
execute the .run file, be it the 32 or 64 bit version. here we use the 64 version.
~/games/quake3 $ ./ioquake3-1.36-7.1.x86_64.run
This opens a graphical install interface within x. check paths for game and binary. Click install.
You will notice the addition of ioquake3 under the Menu->Games in x and also the creation of ~/.q3a
Now copy the contents baseq3 folder from the Quake 3 Arena CD (or your paid version installation) and paste it into the .q3a folder.