Linux and Your USB Flash Drive

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Flash memory: An EPROM, or erasable programmable read-only memory, is a type of computer memory chip that retains its data when its power supply is switched off. From this technology we have the modern solid state storage devices known as flash memory or memory cards, including thumb drives and flash drives.

The Thumb Drive

Most popular among the types of EPROM removable memory is the thumb drive, a flash drive that you plug directly into the computer USB port. Replacing the floppy disk from a time long ago, the modern thumb drive can hold magnitudes more data. The floppy drive is no longer practical for most applications. A thumb drive can be made to be bootable and is often used to install an operating system on a computer.

Installing Linux from a thumb drive onto a PC is probably the only time that the USB memory seems to function correctly. While working in a Linux desktop environment on a daily basis I have found the use of USB flash memory very problematic. Problems include:

  • File copy progress misreported, progress indicator in the file manager (all of them) shows completed in seconds while you wait for many minutes for the process to actually complete and the dialog to go away.
  • File drive rarely cleanly ummounts
  • Process frequently hangs for over a minute after the i/o activity completes. What is it doing? We have to wait for the dialog to go away even though its done!
  • Process fails on copying large files. Files of 1GB or greater often result in the progress interface showing complete but hanging up and not releasing the drive indefinitely. How long? I once let it sit overnight and it was still hung up in the morning. Linux would not even property shut down!

Why is USB flash memory support so flaky in Linux? It is difficult to determine the problem and cooperate with developers on a resolution due to factors including:

  • Linux zealots defend the kernel and deny the existence of a problem rather blaming the end user
  • Microsoft poorly documents FAT elements such as bit flags relating to corruption of the file system making it difficult for kernel developers to ensure compatibility
  • Linux desktop file managers failing to cope with the USB file system and relying on buggy kernel support