Leaders CRM: FAQ

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
and our responses.

How do I get XYZ added to the job skills picklist?

The job skills picklist supplied with the software contains over 100 different possible job skills, mostly in the information technology industry. Job skills for other industries will be added soon. If your request meets the requirements as the item being a specific job skill in the same level of classification as the other job skills, it will be added per your request because our goal is to provide as compressive of a list as possible. Enter your request on Talk:Leaders CRM: Known Bugs.


Why don't you consider .NET a valid job skill for the job skills picklist?

Technically saying just .NET is improper nomenclature for the classification of specific skills. Because .NET is a superset of specific skills, it is best to specify which .NET language the candidate has experience in. View the Why VB.NET Is Not a Programming Language page for a detailed explanation of why we don't consider VB.NET a job skill.

Remember, if you insist on having something as a job skill we do not advise, you can always type it into the picklist drop down. The picklist drop down is a combination text field and drop down list. You are at liberty to enter any text string you like. Before you enter custom data into this field, please review Leaders CRM: Do's and Don'ts so you understand the consequences.


But I Need to Enter Custom Data in That Field!

So says you! No, just kidding. Actually, many fields are matched to specific data types in the backend database. Those fields are also indexed. Many are data types, which only allow certain characters. If you want to add custom data, please use the primary contact note, primary company note, or a miscellaneous notes entry for your custom data. This will avoid negatively impacting software performance, functionality loss, and possibly crashing the software. Please review Leaders CRM: Do's and Don'ts for more details.